BTM Resources Berhad announced the appointment of DATUK YAP WAI HONG, age 49 as Executive Director. Date of change is on July 01, 2024. Qualifications: Degree: Bachelor Degree in commerce (Accounting & Finance) in Edith Cowan University (Perth, Australia).

Working experience and occupation: Datuk Yap Wai Hong has 20 years of experience in the renewable energy sector. He is also currently the Managing Director of Biotek Dinamik Sdn. Bhd.

("BDSB"), a renewable and green energy company which he founded. BDSB prioritizes decarbonization of the global economy to drive climate change mitigation via sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) in the energy sector. BDSB focusses on sustainable development of renewable energy businesses that aim to strike a balance between environment, social and governance (ESG) factors and help mitigate climate change.

BDSB is currently involved in Biomass, Biogas and Solar to Green Hydrogen initiatives in Malaysia. He further cements his pioneering role in the local renewable energy sector by executing a Memorandum of Cooperation with Chinas State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC), the Chinese State-owned power producer and the largest renewable energy producer in China, and the Malaysia Green Technology and Climate Change Center (MGTC) in July 2021 for a collaboration to develop large-scale Green Energy/Renewable Energy projects in Malaysia and the ASEAN/RCEP region.