BTCS Inc. announced the launch of ChainQ, its pioneering blockchain analytics platform designed to revolutionize the exploration and comprehension of certain blockchain data. ChainQ represents a significant leap forward in simplifying the access, querying, and analysis of blockchain data, empowering users with unprecedented accessibility and insights. ChainQ leverages indexed data from BTCS?s blockchain infrastructure operations to provide access to otherwise hard-to-access public blockchain data, similar to Bloomberg for financial research or Westlaw for legal research.

Unlike traditional blockchain explorers that offer cumbersome navigation and lack features like natural language queries and customizable searches, ChainQ simplifies and accelerates data exploration through its AI driven platform. ChainQ offers a seamless user experience with its intuitive interface, powered by generative AI technology. Users can effortlessly access and analyze blockchain data with a simple search bar, enabling natural language queries (NQL) to uncover detailed insights from indexed blockchain data.

Key features of ChainQ include: Fast access to blockchain data exceeding the capabilities of standard web search engines, and simplified compared to complex blockchain explorers. Cutting-edge generative AI technology. Intuitive search functionality with natural language queries.

Customizable search panel for refined results. Insightful visualizations for enhanced data comprehension. Support for SQL queries, saved searches, and result exportation.