mCig, Inc. has announced plans to launch an innovatively advanced hemp CBD-based formula for pets. Doctor of Bioengineering and Cardiology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Arkady Uryash, will be this new initiative in the rapidly expanding sixty-billion-dollar CBD pet industry market. The decision to expand into the pet products industry was based on extensive research conducted on customer and supplier inquiries. Comparison of research on how cannabinoids (including CBD) affects the human and animal body has shown that their effects share close similarities in interaction with endocannabinoid system (ECS). Dogs and Cats were specifically found to share up to 70% biological homology with humans. Highly promising scientific conclusions indicate that CBD interacts in a similar way in canines and felines as it does in humans. Specifically, cannabinoid binding to ECS receptors within the dog and cat body can provide a longer lasting therapeutic effect without a risk of toxicity. mCig's full spectrum of hemp CBD skin products will contain optimal concentrations of CBD combined with natural synthetically conjugated components that significantly enhance transdermal absorption and delivery. This transdermal CBD delivery system allows optimal administration of effective doses making the gentle formula acceptable for cats and small breeds of dogs. mCig's innovative CBD transdermal technology will support healthy skin, coat, hips, and joints. Enhanced CBD bioavailability and circumventing liver biochemical degradation will promote improved vascular and muscle function while maintaining neurological balance. mCig will produce their products with overall pet safety in mind. Their rigorously tested components will be verifiably safe to use in pets of all sizes.