Wildcat Discovery Technologies announced an agreement with BMW Group to jointly develop the next-generation Wildcat high energy cathode. The Wildcat cathode, a key component of Wildcat's recently announced battery supercell, will help car makers deliver greater driving range by achieving energy densities approx. 25% higher than the best cathodes in vehicles.

The novel Wildcat cathode contains no nickel or cobalt, which are viewed to be challenging in terms of sustainability as well as price volatility. Beyond the joint development agreement with BMW, Wildcat's consortium of strategic partners also includes Koch Disruptive Technologies and Eastman Kodak, who along with BMW are contributing both financially and technically to the new cathode development effort. Wildcat, working with its development partners, plans to commercialize the new EV battery cathode material in the coming several years.

This agreement builds on BMW and Wildcat's shared commitment to sustainable mobility. The two companies have a long relationship in battery research, based on nearly a decade of research collaboration projects, and will expand upon that work to co-develop the high-energy cathode. According to the agreement, BMW will lead the build of large battery cells to be used for performance and safety testing.