BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) - From now on, provisional EU additional duties on electric cars from China must be deposited as security. The duty is due when an electric car arrives at a European port.

Specifically, the following duty rates apply to Chinese manufacturers: 17.4 percent for BYD, 19.9 percent for Geely and 37.6 percent for SAIC. Other manufacturers are subject to 20.8 percent, and companies that did not cooperate with the investigation would be subject to a 37.6 percent penalty duty. The duties are in addition to an existing duty rate of ten percent.

The provisional duties are the result of an investigation by the EU Commission, which showed that the entire value chain for electric cars in China is heavily subsidized. In addition, imports from the country would endanger the industry in the EU.

The decision on whether the provisional penalty duties actually have to be paid is to be made within four months. The EU Commission intends to present a proposal for long-term duties within this period. However, a majority of EU member states can also reject this. If no long-term duties are imposed and a solution is found with Beijing, the provisional duties now in force will reportedly not have to be paid either.

The EU authorities' approach has met with criticism in Germany. According to the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), the potential damage of additional duties is likely to be greater than the possible benefits - especially for the domestic industry. Government politicians had also expressed criticism of the additional duties./scr/DP/zb