BMW unveiled its latest initiatives in in-car technology at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2014 in Las Vegas (US), which include a new, electronic driver assistance system to aid high-performance driving. As part of its research and development (R&D) efforts in this area, BMW has created a new research prototype, which the company says "uses advanced control technology to demonstrate maximum safety up to the car's dynamic limit". BMW says the system intervenes with driver input to ensure that throttle, steering, and braking work in harmony.

BMW says the system goes a step further than existing stability control systems, which react to oversteer and understeer with braking inputs. The company also demonstrated the integration of Samsung's Galaxy Gear 'Smart' watch with its i3 electric vehicle (EV). BMW claims to be the first carmaker to present vehicle functions on the electronic wristwatch as part of its R&D activities.

The experimental application offers information on the battery charge and available range, as well as whether the car's windows, doors, and sunroof are closed. It also allows users to send a navigation destination to the vehicle or adjust the on-board climate in preparation for a journey.