
Mühleberg Nuclear Power Plant

Highest production volume since startup

In 2012 BKW Inc's Mühleberg nuclear power plant (KKM) recorded its best result since going into operation, generating a gross annual volume of 3,117 million kilowatt hours (kWh). Since the early 1970s, the KKM has generated a total of more than 108 billion kWh of electricity, which would cover the consumption of a city the size of Berne for more than one hundred years. The record result is attributable to the plant's good condition and operational safety. Thanks to ongoing upgrading of plant components, the KKM is well-equipped for long-term operation.

In 2012 Mühleberg nuclear power plant reliably fed electricity to the grid for 8,067 (6,711) hours, i.e. for 91.9 (76.5) percent of the year. Operation was seamless, with the exception of the scheduled revision in August/September. Average availability since 1972 amounts to 90 percent: an extremely good level by international standards.

BKW will continue ensuring the safe operation of the KKM through continual plant upgrades and regular, thorough system checks with a view to the plant's long-term operation. The definitive decision on the planned upgrades will be made at the end of 2013, and intensive work continues on implementation planning. 

The plant plays an important role in ensuring energy security in north-western Switzerland.

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