Biotricity Inc. announced that it made a 510(k) submission to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), on December 31 2020, for Biotres. The company expects this process to take at least 4 months, and if the Company’s 510(k) application is cleared by the FDA the Company expects a product launch thereafter.  As announced previously, Biotres is a 3-lead patch product for ECG and arrhythmia monitoring for patients at risk for or being diagnosed with certain cardiac issues. Biotres can work as a Holter, Event Loop, and Extended Holter. The Biotres is a holter product that was developed to address the challenges that exist with current holter patch products. The Biotres is designed with the following key features: 3 Channel Recording – A wearable holter patch device that can provide continuous 3 channel recording of ECG (heart) data. All other holter patch devices are 1 channel or 2 channels. Rechargeable Battery – The device can be worn continuously for 48 hours, before needing to be charged for 1 hr., enabling continuous data collection for extended periods of time without any intervention, something not possible with traditional holter patch solutions.  Wireless Connectivity – The unique device utilizes Bluetooth technology to offload data, reducing the time for diagnoses. Current holter patch solutions can take up to a week before diagnoses are available due to manual data downloading and a lack of connectivity. User-Friendly Design – Easy to understand and comfortable to wear during regular day-to-day activities.