Fresh Start Private Management Inc. (OTCPK:CEYY) signed a letter of understanding to acquire all assets, intellectual property and contractual rights of Trinity Rx Solutions, LLC from Sal Amodeo for approximately $0.77 million on December 30, 2013. Fresh Start Private shall pay an initial refundable deposit of $0.03 million as evidence of good faith in moving forward to consummation of a definitive agreement with Trinity Rx. Fresh Start shall provide consideration consisting of a cash payment of an additional $0.5 million within nine months of this letter of intent being executed in 3 installments and the parties herein entering into a formal agreement consistent with the terms of the letter of intent.

In further accordance with the terms Fresh Start Private shall issue 2 million shares of its restricted common stock. Fresh Start Private will also enter into a four-year service agreement with Sal Amodeo pursuant to which Sal Amodeo shall earn compensation in the approximate amount of $0.08 million, including a bonus plan; and also a royalty equal to 10% of gross revenues generated by the sale of the Alcohol Rehabilitation Program less hard cost of the Naltrexone Implant until such time as Sal Amodeo has received a total of $0.5 million, which royalty payment is dependent solely upon actual sales. On March 12, 2014, Fresh Start Private Management and Trinity Compound Solutions, Inc. entered into an amendment of Letter Of Understanding that, (i) extended the due diligence period with a deadline of May 26, 2014 and; (ii) parties changed their respective corporate names, Fresh Start Private Management Inc. is now known as BioCorRx Inc. On March 12, 2015, Fresh Start Private entered into a second amendment of Letter of Understanding reinstating the Letter Of Understanding with Trinity Rx and extending the due diligence period to December 31, 2015.

On March 26, 2015, BioCorRx Inc. (OTCPK:BICX) announced that it had recently signed a definitive agreement with Myriad Medical Marketing to acquire Trinity Rx Solutions, LLC.