Bingo Group Holdings Limited announced Ms. TSANG Fung Chu has been appointed as executive Director with effect from 2 July 2024. Ms. Tsang, aged 56, is a certified public accountant (practising) in Hong Kong and a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. She holds a Bachelor Degree of Social Sciences from The University of Hong Kong and has broad experience in the finance and accounting field.

She has been in the accounting profession for over 30 years and started her career in the audit division at an international auditing and accounting firm. She also served as a member of the All China Youth Federation and Beijing Youth Federation, the People's Republic of China. In addition, Ms. Tsang has been appointed various public offices in the Hong Kong SAR Government.

She is currently Chairman on Sheung Wan & Sai Ying Pun Area Committee and a member of the Board of Management of the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries and Vice Chairman of External Affairs Committee. She was also a Group Chairman on Advisory Committee Admission of Quality Migrants and Professionals, a member of Central and Western District Fight Crime Committee and a member of Chung Wan & Mid Levels Area Committee, a member of the Panel of Advisors on Building Management Disputes of the Home Affairs Department, Observers on Independent Police Complaints Council, etc. She is a member of the Sixth Election Committee of the HKSAR and was appointed as Justice of the Peace (JP) on 1 July 2021.