BIG Blockchain Intelligence Group Inc. engaged Dr. Aaron Smith to establish and lead BIG's Artificial Intelligence (AI) department. Dr. Smith will contribute strategic direction to identify areas most suited for the application and integration of Artificial Intelligence throughout the BIG crypto-data analytics infrastructure. He will also lead research and development of BIG's cognitive systems and machine learning, augmenting and building BIG's proprietary tools and specialized tracking algorithms for monitoring cryptocurrency transactions. As the leaders in the monitoring and tracking of cryptocurrency, this strategic hire enables Blockchain Intelligence Group AI to create a suite of intelligent analytics products which would be unparalleled and at the edge of innovation in the blockchain cryptocurrency analytics space. Dr. Smith is a data scientist who has developed interactive visualization and visual analytics systems for clients in the aerospace, healthcare and financial sectors using applied computer systems analysis for systems design and integration. His first-hand study of the working behaviours of human analysts provides the model for his self-learning AI applications that allow computers to become progressively smarter.