
Communiqué de presse

Informations réglementées

Notification de déclaration de transparence (Article 14 de la loi du 2 mai 2007)


Bruxelles, le 26 janvier 2016 (17h35 CET) - Le 22 janvier 2016, BHF Kleinwort Benson Group (« BHF KB ») a reçu une notification de Billion Infinity Investment Limited, Fidelidade - Companhia de Seguros, S.A. et leurs affiliés (collectivement, « Fosun ») déclarant que leur participation agrégée dans BHF KB avait, à la date du 19 janvier 2016, franchi à la hausse le seuil de 25% des 132.244.164 actions émises et droits de vote de BHF KB et s'élevait à 37.838.980 actions représentant 28,61% des droits de vote de BHF KB.

Une copie de la notification de Fosun est reproduite ci-dessous et disponible sur le site web de BHF KB sous la rubrique « Investor Information - Shareholder Information - Transparency Declarations ».


Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter :

Tél : +32 (0)2 643 60 10

Courriel : investor-relations@bhfkleinwortbenson.com

À propos de BHF Kleinwort Benson Group SA

BHF Kleinwort Benson (Euronext : BHFKB) est une société à responsabilité limitée organisée selon les dispositions de la législation belge, dont le siège social est sis Avenue Louise 326 à

1050 Bruxelles, Belgique. BHF Kleinwort Benson est une banque d'affaires axée sur la banque privée, la gestion d'actifs, les marchés financiers et les entreprises.

Pour plus d'informations, consultez notre site Internet :www.BHFKleinwortBenson.com

Communiqué de presse 26 janvier 2016 FORM TR-1 BE PART I
  1. Status of the notification

  2. Issuer


    ldenlificalion nurnber =_i

  3. Reason for the notification

    E uiuillon or disposalof voling securities or voting rightsI

  4. Notification by


  5. Persons subject to the notification requirement


    (& legal form for legal persons)

    Address (for legal persons)


    Billion Infinity Investment Limited


    Fldelldada. Companhla deSeguros, S A

    Leval 54,Hopewell Canlre, 183Queen's Road East, Hong Kong

    Largo do Calhariz, n'30, 1200-086 EastLisbon

    Longrun Portugal. SGPS,S A

    Largo de S!!oCarlos, 3, 1200-410Lisbon, Portugal


    Mllenlum Gain Limited

    Laval 54,Hopewell Centro. 183Queen's Road Easl, Hong Kong

    Fosun Financial Holdings Limited

    Level 54,Hopewell Centre, 163Queen's Road Easl, Hong Kong

    Fosun lnlernatlonal Limited


    Room BOB,ICBC Tower, 3Garden Road, Cenlrel, Hong Kong

    Fosun Holdings Lhnlled

    Room 808,ICBC Tower, 3Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong

    Fosun 1nterna11one1 Holdings Ltd

    Akara Building, 24 DeCaslro Street, Wickhams Cay I,Road Town, Tortola, BritishVlrgin Islands

    Guo Guangchang

    . .

    ---- --- -·-•·N-··-· -----------------,"""'

  6. Persons that dispose of, ... voting rights (Only to be filled in if art. 7 of the Law applies)

    : Name


    Addtess (for legal persons)

    --···-· -----------------





    lca&o con I nm en crln

  7. Date on which the threshold is crossed


6) Threshold that is crossed (in %)

  1. Denominator

    132 244

    Qnter thbefore filling I n the !!Al!

  2. Notified details

    A) Voting rights Previous notification After the transaction

    . %Of VOlin9J!llnlSc...... 1

    Holders orvoting tights


    Guo Guangchang

    Fklelldada -co-mp_a_nh_la de

    SA .

    Linked to securlUes Linked to securlllesNot!Inked tothe



    0 ----'t--- - - - ---·· 0.00%

    11.562.403 --6,74%-


    1,1nvestmanl Llmlled


    37 038.l.iUO

    TOTAL 37.838.980 0 28,61%0,00%


    ?l.!.tLwJU1 uurouns" ofhold f.!fS.Cn1r.ulilt!l,. HJ>!otafsnnrt lhenJhtHillwi1hlho perSO[!fr.

    who are "alone0

    Ill •1010/s, &!>,!otnls a,ul %wlll.Jrn.J! PJ!Jl.tCd O'l!l.9Sf.'U h•Y.c clfckud Q!l

    B) Equivalent financial Instruments


    the transacUon



    # of voting rights thatmay be

    Holders of equivalent

    financial Instruments

    ndate Exercise period ordate acquired If the %of voling tights

    Instrument Is





    auon lo all axptratton dateo) 0

    - 0,00%


    -:;.OTAL (Voting rights &Equlvaient flnanctal


    # of voting rights

    %of voting rights



    Ib•101ara wntbe qpdated once youhave clh;kedon

  3. Chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding Is effectively held, If applicable

    Please desc(lbe, orJoin n dlggramlo attachment

    Mr Guo Gunchnfl con1rols Fosun lnlorm11lonol Holding Liu., whichcontr, s Fosunllolu,ngs Luni1eci. which,:ontrols f'osun lntiirn;Jlion!1.1m,1a,1,whlcil conliolr.Fosun Flna.nclal Holdings Limited,whichcontros (1)!.llllion lrtfimly l!woslmenr !.lmllodnm! (If)M,11cnium GainLimited,which controls Longrun Portugal, SGPS, S.A., \Ihle!) controls FJdellqada. Compnnhro de Sogrffos, ll./1.

  4. In case of proxy voting for only one GM

    w111 hOld agB!n _J

    Holder lw,11 caase to hold I L·1

    vo«ng rights as ofDI

    --·-• •----e··- ···-•·-

  5. Convertible bonds and rights to subscribe to voting securities not yet issued

  6. Holder Type of financial instrumentExpiration date Exercise/Conversion Number#of voting rights that may be acquired ifthe

    (DD/MM/YYYY) period or dateinstrument is exercised/converted


    - ---t---·--·it :lfi

    BJ Shares without voting rights


    -----------I-Nu-mb-er--------------------------------· 1


    CJRem:: - -------·· ·· ---······· ··----···· . .. . . . . ·-·-· • ·--···----······---·-···-·-----·· -. .

    On 23March 2015, ach of Fide:idede Compa:,hia de Seguros, S fa. ("Fide!:da.de") and 8,1:10n infinity !nvestment Umited ("B1!ifon !nfiniy"; entered 1nto a share purcr:ase agreerr1e:: twi!h entl11es affiliated !

    Timotr1y c. comns;."Collins"} .cursuam to ,.•;hlcf.'l·

    Fide1idade agreed to ;::,urchase and Andrea Co!!ins. as 1rustcc of The Coiins 20'.}3 Dcsccn-der:ts' Trust Collins f-'.amHy Partr:ers. inc . CFP

    1998 Trust. and RHJ lnternattonal lrwostors L.P., agreed to se!Jto i57 st1aresof the 8HF !Benson KB"') 1,mva,,on,

    (ii) SH!ion !nfinity agreed to purchase and /•,nC:re2 Col!ins. as the Trustee of 1t1e Trmothy C Colhns 20D3 Desc:endar.ts' Trust, ar:d lnvestments LLC agieed to s!.::i to Bdho:1

    the Ccmpany (represented by rostrlcted depcsitary shares).



    Sherns of j


    The ccmpletion ol these agreerne1ts was su::i;ect to the se:tisfaclJcn cf c1:rtair. conditions preceder:Unc'.udrng regu!atory approvals ar.d merger ccntrn: deararce be:ng obtail:edinitiai!}1on o before 20 October

    2015 (the "Long Steµ 02:e." oxtcmdej as describedbe.iov:)

    Thepurchase priceior lhG si1ares purchased by HdeHdadc in the Coilw:s AcquisiUon was already paid on the date or providesthat ff the regulatory approvals are not cbtained on or befcre 20October 2015, the . 8,879,157 shares s!:ait reasonablyacceptable to Fide:'idade and the proceeds of such a!ternatve se}e{s) sf1a!i tm paid back toF1dei1dade.

    Thtscash se:tilement mect1anis.m in theevent hat Ue regulatory approvals are not obtained en or bnforo /.0 October ?.015 V.'aS not :nciuded in tfe inilia! share purchase agreement entcrc.J into byBillion tnflnrt:y

    Since more t:me was required to satisfy the cond:t!ons precedent under the s!iare purchase agreeme:1ts. in respect c;f tba necessary approvals and conser,ts from a1i re;evan1 bmtt',!n9 authorities, !ho pa111es

    have agreed on :?0 OctolJer 2015 to arnend the existing agrccrne: is. Fo:- further detalls. p:ease refer to the press release issued by Fosun on 21 October 20i5 and available at

    http/N,v;r.1sn1a. belf!Sup00.11s1on/f'T3i Caf.:.:ic.a/ProspectusOP /i..f--/medi?JFi!es/pros.1?0""15·{2950,·EN·OP.A.20162920·-A 14-B01-C01-NP-CD20_ O.pOf


    ·------·--------- ----- ----- ··· --------·-..j

    Done at



    Name &capactty

BHF Kleinwort Benson Group issued this content on 26 January 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 26 January 2016 16:51:08 UTC

Original Document: http://www.bhfkleinwortbenson.com/media/71411/bhfkb_transparency-declaration_fosun_20160126_f.pdf