The board of directors (the “Board”) of Better Collective A/S has today decided to implement a 2023 Long Term Incentive Plan (the “LTI”) for key employees in the Better Collective group. Grants under the 2023LTI will be in the form of performance share units and/or share options vesting after three years.

Regulatory Release no. 2/2023

The LTI has been designed by the Remuneration Committee and approved by the Board of Directors with the focus to appropriately retain, motivate and reward selected key employees in the Better Collective group. The intent is also to support sustainable value creation for the shareholders as well as aligning the interests of participants in the LTI to those of the Better Collective A/S’ shareholders. To achieve this, the LTI provides an opportunity to participate in the value creation of Better Collective A/S by rewarding business performance against selected metrics as well as share price growth.

In total the grants under the LTI in 2023 covers 134.953 performance share units and 239,350 share options to 63 key employees in total. Though it is the intention that the program will be revolving with a yearly grant, the size of such grants and the allocation hereof in the following years, will be at the full discretion of the Board.

The total value of the 2023 LTI grant program is 2.9 mEUR (Calculated @Black-Scholes value) measured at the target level, which is to say 100% achievement of the financial goals. If the financial goals are not met, the value of these grants will be zero. If exceptional performance above target is achieved on the financial goals, the maximum value of the 2023 LTI grants can reach 4.4 mEUR (@Black-Scholes value), assuming a constant share price.

The grant value of the program will be evenly expensed as an employee remuneration cost during the vesting period. The cost will be revalued at each period based on the forecasted performance on the financial KPIs at that time and the expected retention rate of the employees included in the program.

The LTI will have no dilutive effect on Better Collective A/S' shareholders, since Better Collective A/S will meet its obligations under the LTI by way of treasury shares acquired in share buy-back programs.

The details of the plan can be found in the attached Appendix 1.

© Modular Finance, source Nordic Press Releases