AG announced group earnings results for the first half of 2015. For the period, the company reported gross betting and gaming revenue of EUR 56,746,000 against EUR 53,065,000 a year ago. Earnings before taxes (EBT) was EUR 16,578,000 against EUR 9,265,000 a year ago. EBITDA, for instance, increased in the first half of 2015 to EUR 16.0 million and was thus EUR 7.2 million above last year's comparative figure EUR 8.8 million a year ago. Due to the investment of the high level of liquid funds as well as the granting of short-term loans under arm's length conditions to the majority owner of AG, the Group financial result for the first half of 2015 increased to EUR 1.0 million against EUR 0.8 million a year ago.

Due to the strength of operating revenue in the first half of 2015, the Management Board has raised its expectations for the 2015 financial year with the result that, from the current perspective, EBITDA in excess of EUR 25 million appears realistic if the legal and tax framework remain unchanged.