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GENVON GROUP LIMITED (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (Stock Code: 2389) COMPLETION OF ISSUE OF UNLISTED WARRANTS

The Board announces that all conditions set out in the Warrant Subscription Agreements have been fulfilled and completion of the Warrant Subscriptions took place on 29 January 2013. An aggregate of 400,000,000 Warrants have been issued to Mr. Liu Xuming (the "Subscriber")
pursuant to the Warrant Subscription Agreements.

Reference is made to the announcement of Genvon Group Limited (the "Company") dated 21
January 2013 in relation to the issue of unlisted warrants under general mandate (the "Announcement"). Capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement unless otherwise stated.


The Board announces that all conditions set out in the Warrant Subscription Agreements have been fulfilled and completion of the Warrant Subscriptions took place on 29 January 2013. An aggregate of 400,000,000 Warrants have been issued by the Company to the Subscriber at the Issue Price of HK$0.001 per Warrant. To the best of the Directors' knowledge, information and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, the Subscriber is an Independent Third Party.

By Order of the Board Genvon Group Limited Wang Zheng Chun Chairman

Hong Kong, 29 January 2013

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises six Executive Directors, namely Mr Wang Zheng Chun, Mr Zheng Wei Chong, Mr Xu Wen Cong, Mr Cheung Man, Mr Liu Hoi Keung and Mr Zhang Xiu He, and three Independent Non-Executive Directors, namely Mr Ang Siu Lun, Lawrence, Mr Ma Kwai Yuen and Mr Ho Hao Veng .

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