Begbies Traynor Group plc (AIM:BEG) is looking for acquisitions. Richard Traynor said, "In terms of the acquisition strategy, we're looking for value-accretive acquisitions in any of the following market segments. So existing service market shares, enhance market share expertise, easing geographical coverage and complementary professional service businesses to continue the development of the group and its service offering.

Our ambition is to maintain our growth record with a medium-term revenue target of GBP 200 million. On Slide 21, to look at those acquisitions and that growth over the period since 2020, where revenues increased from just over GBP 70 million to GBP 136 million. GBP 41 million came from acquired growth and GBP 24 million from organic growth.

And looking at the second chart there in terms of the acquisitions year-on-year, you see the big jump was in '21, and that GBP 21 million was effectively the 2 insolvency practices of CVR and DRP. So these acquisitions have significantly increased the scale of the group. We intend to continue doing them.

We've got a well-established process for identifying, valuing, acquiring and integrating those target businesses. And we've made 13 value-enhancing acquisitions, delivering revenue and operating synergies over this period we're looking at on this slide. So cash generation, strong balance sheet and facility headroom underpin the capacity for further acquisitions, the pipeline of acquisition prospects across the various service lines is good".