BCPG Public Company Limited (SET:BCPG) entered into a share sale and purchase agreement to acquire Asia Link Terminal Company Limited from Pan Asia Storage & Terminal Co.,LTD for approximately THB 9 billion on December 30, 2022. BCPG acquiring for amount of 40,000,000 shares, with the par value of THB 100 per share, representing 100 percent of total issued and paid-up ordinary shares of the Target Company, from the Seller with the consideration not exceeding THB 9 billion. The BCPG source of fund for entering into the transaction will come from internal cash flow of the Company. The Share Purchase Transaction is classified as an acquisition of assets. The size of the transaction is 15.62% calculated from the Value of Total Consideration method, which yields the largest transaction size measurement, according to the consolidated financial statements ended September 30, 2022. The Board of Directors approves the entering into the transaction by the BCPG and is of the opinion that such transaction is reasonable and in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders. BCPG anticipates that the completion of this transaction can occur approximately in March 2023 pursuant to terms and conditions.

BCPG Public Company Limited (SET:BCPG) completed the acquisition of Asia Link Terminal Company Limited from Pan Asia Storage & Terminal Co.,LTD for approximately THB 9 billion on May 31, 2023. The consideration was paid in cash amounting to approximately THB 8.86 billion and a contingent consideration of THB 140 million.