Winmar Resources Limited has tendered her resignation as a Director of the company. Ms Tu was PX Steel International (Asia) Ltd.'s representative on the Winmar Board. The company understands that she has now terminated her association with Jiangxi PX Steel Industrial Co.

Ltd. and PX Steel. Late last year, the company also announced the resignation of CEO, David Coad. The Board accepted both resignations on January 3, 2013.

The Board also announced the appointment of Messrs Noel Halgreen and David Nolan as Non Executive Directors to the Board with immediate effect. David is a partner in the Sydney corporate advisory practice of Mills Oakley Lawyers and was previously a senior adviser at the London Stock Exchange. David is currently Chairman of Scott Creek Coal Limited and was previously Chairman of Hastings Rare Metals Limited and a Non-Executive Director of Apollo Minerals Limited.

Noel Halgreen is an immensely qualified and highly experienced appointment who has spent most of his career as a senior global operations and corporate development executive with an emphasis on South America, Indonesia and Africa.