Bassari Resources Limited reported on the significant progress made since the commencement of the flow of project finance from the Coris International Bank in 2019 and the appointment of the Project Manager, Mr. Andrew Goode. In May 2019, the following development steps were achieved: New Mining Plan for Pits One and Two Mining Plus of the UK, who had been appointed to review the new mining plan and carry out block modelling and optimisation, have completed the update of the resource model and have commenced the standard operating procedures for all aspects of grade control. Pit One clearing has commenced for first pass grade control drilling and other pit activities. Block modelling and optimisation have commenced. Equipment Purchasing: All major equipment components for the processing plant upgrade have been ordered, including ball mills, process screens, agitators, carbon elution heater and kiln, compressors and blowers, pumps and cyclones and the electricals supply and equipment. Security: The upgraded security force have commenced their security operations at Makabingui. The purchase of fencing materials has been completed and delivered to the mine site for erection with the boundary fence team having commenced the boundary works. The perimeter fence line has been cleared by bulldozer. Twenty solar lamps have also been purchased. Accommodation, Roadworks and Dam Repairs: The upgrade of the mining camp is well underway. Five blocks and 33 rooms have been opened for staff accommodation needs with further accommodation facilities constructed for the newly engaged security contractors. Key roadworks have been completed and the 500 megalitre dam walls have been repaired. Mining Contractor: A tender has commenced with four mining contractors. Three of the four companies visited the site on 14 May. The contract tender submissions are required by 24 May 2019, with selection of the successful tender scheduled for 15 June 2019. Gold Refineries: Discussions have commenced with European gold refineries who have indicated their willingness to acquire the company's gold production.