Bass Oil Limited announced monthly operations update for the month of December 2018. Total field production at Tangai-Sukananti for December was 22,071 barrels of oil (JV Share) or 12,139 barrels of oil (net to Bass). December oil sales totalled 23,747 barrels of oil (100% JV Share) or 13,061 barrels (net to Bass). The oil price fall continued during December in line with movements in global oil markets. The average monthly realised oil price was USD 53.86 compared with a monthly average oil price of USD 62.25 per barrel received in November. The fields continue to generate positive cash contributions to the business with field operating costs at or below USD 30 per barrel. Strong oil production levels continued in December. Production in December averaged 712 barrels of oil per day (JV share), which was the third high production level attained from the field in the last 12 months. The production optimisation effort continues with debottlenecking studies aimed at easing short term processing restrictions commencing in November.