Based on the latest report reported by (OTCMKTS: BANI), The company has done ordinary income sales of $132,351.00.

On their latest report that was submitted on September 21, 2021, BANI reported $ 997,064 in total assets.

Company profile provided by OTC Markets -- Banneker, Inc., is a designer, manufacturer and distributor of high-quality watches, clocks, jewelry, and ancillary products. Banneker timepieces are inspired by the amazing achievements of Benjamin Banneker who, in 1753, completed construction of the first striking clock in America from parts he hand carved of wood. All Banneker Watches and clocks contain some type of exotic wood as a way to pay tribute to this incredible accomplishment. All Banneker products are shipped with additional information about the life and legacy of Benjamin Banneker. Banneker, Inc. made the first ever NBA championship watch for the Miami Heat 2006 NBA championship to go with the championship ring. Banneker also created the first-ever urban line of class jewelry for high school and college students which included a class watch (which was invented and created by Banneker), class rings, class earrings and class medallions with real Burl wood on each item.




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(C) 2021 M2 COMMUNICATIONS, source M2 PressWIRE