This is what emerges from the usual letter at the beginning of the year sent by the institution's top management to the more than 158,700 members of the former popular bank.

"The solidity of the group is in the numbers. While waiting to pull the strings of the accounts as of December 31, we can anticipate that the results are good, in line with the forecasts of the business plan," the letter reads.

In outlining the economic fundamentals and the main results achieved by the institution during the year just ended, CEO Mario Alberto Pedranzini and President Francesco Venosta recall that "derisking activity has continued with rigor, beyond the objectives set."

"It is our intention not to give up, while maintaining high levels of coverage of impaired credit," they add.

Pop Sondrio will convene the BoD to approve the 2022 results on Feb. 7.

Full release

(Andrea Mandalà, editing Claudia Cristoferi)