Convenience translation from Hebrew

January 1, 2012

Press release

Re: Agreement for the purchase of an office building in Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Azrieli Group Ltd. (the "Company") respectfully announces that on December 29,
2011, an agreement that was signed between a U.S. corporation indirectly held (100%) by the Company (the "Buyer")1 and a third party (the "Seller") for the purchase of an office building with 100% occupancy in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. (the "Agreement")2, took effect, after expiration of a thirty (30) day due diligence period afforded to the Buyer, during which the Buyer and the Seller were entitled to withdraw from the Agreement for any reason.
In the Company's estimation, the Agreement, if closed, is not expected to have a
material effect on the Company.

1. The Acquired Property