Avista Corp. announced a Construction Agreement between Avista and Kootenai Electric Cooperative, Inc. (KEC), providing for the construction of and installation of respective facilities for the interconnection of KEC's new Julia Street 115/12.47 kV Substation. The Construction Agreement outlines the responsibilities and estimated costs of interconnecting Julia Street Substation via a 115kV tap to Avista's Ramsey - Rathdrum #2 115 kV transmission line. Waiver of the Commission's notice requirements pursuant to section 35.11 of the Commission's rules and regulations (18 C.F.R. section 35.11) is granted, and the Construction Agreement is accepted for filing effective December 13, 2011, as requested. This filing was noticed on December 14, 2011 with comments, protests, or motions to intervene due on or before January 3, 2012. No protests or comments were filed. Notices of intervention and unopposed timely filed motions to intervene are granted pursuant to the operation of Rule 214 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure.