The board of directors of Astaka Holdings Limited appointed Ir. Hj. Syarul Izam Bin Hj.

Sarifudin as Non-Independent and Non-Executive Director. Ir. Hj.

Syarul Izam is the Vice Managing Director in Country Garden Pacificview Sdn Bhd ("CGPV"), in which the controlling shareholder of the Company, Dato' Daing A Malek Bin Daing A Rahaman, has a deemed effective interest of 6.24% in CGPV. CGPV is principally engaged in the business of property development in Johor, Malaysia. However, it is envisaged that the Company and CGPV will not experience direct competition in the real estate sector due to the nature and scope of its respective development projects, as well as the profile of its client base.

In assessing Ir. Hj. Syarul Izam's suitability, the NC and the Board took into account (i) his background, experience, industry knowledge, professional skills, qualifications and connections which are beneficial to the Company's future growth; and (ii) his professional aptitude and commitment towards managing, full disclosure and preventing any potential conflicts of interest between the Company and CGPV and/or its affiliates.

The NC and the Board are satisfied with Ir. Hj. Syarul Izam's commitment that he will fully disclose all perceived and actual conflicts of interest and recuse himself should such circumstances arise and in decisions involving the issue/conflict.