Aspire Mining Limited advised that the Company's Chairman Mr. David Paull has advised the Board that he will not be seeking re-election at the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) and so will retire as a director of the Company with effect from the close of the 2022 AGM. Further, existing Non-Executive Director and significant shareholder Mr. Neil Lithgow has advised the Company that he also intends to resign as a director of the Company with effect from the close of the 2022 AGM. Both David and Neil joined the Board of Aspire as part of the Company's acquisition of the Ovoot coking coal project in Mongolia in 2010 and the associated recapitalization of the Company.

Since that time, Aspire has confirmed a world class coking coal resource base at Ovoot, completed a number of pre-feasibility studies (both into the mine development and the associated infrastructure required to transport Ovoot coal to market) and is now nearing conclusion of a Definitive Feasibility Study pending final permitting approvals.