Ascopiave S.p.A. (BIT:ASC) commences share repurchases on June 26, 2024, under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on April 18, 2024. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase up to 32,721,052 shares, representing 12.98% of its issued share capital. The company is authorized to repurchase its own shares, such that the company?s holding in treasury does not exceed 20% of its issued share capital.

The repurchase price for the shares shall not be 10% higher or lower than the reference price recorded by the stock on the stock exchange session prior to each individual purchase transaction. The purpose of the program is to intervene, also through authorized intermediaries, to favor the regular trend of trading and prices, in the face of distorting phenomena linked to excessive volatility and/or poor trading liquidity; offer shareholders an additional tool to monetize their investment; to acquire treasury shares to be allocated, if necessary, to service any share-based incentive plans reserved for directors and/or employees and/or collaborators of the company or other companies controlled by it or its parent company. The repurchased shares will be used as a valid instrument to carry out, inter alia, investment transactions consistent with the company's strategic guidelines, also by means of exchange, swap, assignment or other act of disposition of treasury shares, for the acquisition of participations or share packages or for other capital transactions involving the assignment or disposition of treasury shares (such as, for example, mergers, demergers, issues of convertible bonds or warrants, etc.).

The authority shall be valid for a period of 18 months from the date of passing of this resolution. As of March 15, 2024, the company had 234,411,575 issued and outstanding shares and had 17,701,578 treasury shares.