Port of Tallinn announced consolidated earnings results for the year 2013. For the year, the company reported sales revenue of increased by 15% year on year, amounting to EUR 102.1 million and net profit totaled EUR 39.7 million, an increase of 21% from the previous year. The year-on-year increase of EUR 13.6 million was due to the income from the rent of the icebreaker Botnica as well as a rise in traditional port dues and income from the right of superficies. Consolidated EBITDA totaled EUR 67.8 million eight million or 13% more than the year before. The growth of both the net profit and EBITDA can mainly be attributed to a EUR 13.6 million or 15% increase in operating income, which surpassed the increase in operating costs. Operating costs grew mainly on account of the expenses of the icebreaker Botnica which did not feature in the year-earlier comparable period.

The company announced operating results for the year 2013. For the year, the company reported the number of passengers grew by roughly 400,000 or 4.5% to a record 9.2 million. The growth was driven by an increase in passenger numbers of the larger ferry line, Tallinn-Helsinki, as well as in the number of cruise passengers, which grew to a record 530,000. The company handled 28.2 million tons of cargoes last year, 4.2% less than a year earlier. In 2012 the freight volume shrank by 19%.