During the period from 29.12.2014 until 02.01.2015 the following buyback transactions have been made:

Tallinn Stock Exchange:

Date Amount of shares bought back Average share price Cost in total
29.12.14 2 000 1.2250 2 450.00
30.12.14 8 000 1.2044 9 635.20
31.12.14 0 0 0
01.01.15 0 0 0
02.01.15 0 0 0
Total amount: 10 000 1.2085 12 085.20

Accumulated total under the share buyback program since 01.07.2014:

Amount of shares bought back Average price per share (EUR) Cost in total (EUR)
349 951 1.7055 596 853.86

After the transactions listed above, within the framework of the share buy-back program, approved by the shareholders meeting on 30.06.2014, AS Silvano Fashion Group has acquired 349 951 shares in total for the total amount of 596 853.86 Euros, resulting an average acquisition cost of 1.7055 Euros per share.

The share buyback program is being implemented in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EC) No 2273/2003 of 22.12.2003, implementing Directive 2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards exemptions for buy-back programmes and stabilisation of financial instruments. The programme is managed by SEB Pank AS, which will buy back shares on behalf of AS Silvano Fashion Group. SEB Pank carries out the buyback according to the regulations and within the framework of the programme, and will make its trading decisions independently of, and without influence by AS Silvano Fashion Group with regard to the timing of the purchases.

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