SIA Emsco offered to acquire 75.000014% stake in AS HansaMatrix (RISE:HMX1R) for €11.7 million on November 16, 2022. The offer per share is €8.5. The SIA Emsco will finance the Takeover Bid through a loan from the Offeror’s shareholder, BaltCap Private Equity Fund III usaldusfond. The transaction is subject to anti-trust approval. As of November 29, 2022, the Competition Council has granted approval for the transaction. In case the voluntary share purchase offer is successful, SIA Emsco intends to propose the delisting of HansaMatrix from the regulated market. the deal is subject to approval from Supervisory Committee of the Bank of Latvia. As of March 2, 2023 Supervisory Committee of the Bank of Latvia approved the transaction. As of March 6,2023, the offer is valid for 30 days starting from March 2, 2023 till March 31, 2023.

SIA Emsco completed the acquisition of a 93.1% stake in AS HansaMatrix on April 30, 2023. BaltCap plans to propose delisting from the regulated market.