ARBOR Technology Corp. announced that appointment of Chein, Tai in Remuneration Committee. Resume of the new position holder: Chein, Tai: Chairman of South Wind Venture Capital Co.

Ltd. Effective date of the new member July 8, 2024. Name of the previous position holder: Ming De, Wang, Ya-Chun Lin, Chuang-Chien Chiu. Resume of the previous position holder: Ming De, Wang: Chairman of the Taiwan Society for Life Cycle Management of Built Environment Ya-Chun Lin: Lead lawyer, Meridian Attorneys-at-Law Chuang-Chien Chiu: Feng Chia University Vice President · Name of the new position holder: Ming De, Wang Ya-Chun Lin Chuang-Chien Chiu Chein, Tai · Resume of the new position holder: Ming De, Wang: Chairman of Transformative Cell Processing Co.

Ltd. Ya-Chun Lin: Lead lawyer, Meridian Attorneys-at-Law Chuang-Chien Chiu: Dean of International School of Technology and Management, Feng Chia University Chein, Tai: Chairman of South Wind Venture Capital Co. Ltd.