Aqua Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:AQUA) entered into a memorandum of understanding to acquire 34.67% of stake in Thai Parcels Public Company Limited from Equity Gateways Limited on June 9, 2022. Aqua Corporation Public Company Limited (SET:AQUA) entered into the share purchase agreement to acquire 34.67% of stake in Thai Parcels Public Company Limited from Equity Gateways Limited for approximately THB 210 million on June 30, 2022. Aqua is paying THB 1.53 per share. The board approved to place deposit amounting to Baht 42.86 million for the purchase of shares in Thai Parcels Public. The Company will use its own internal cash flows to fund the transaction. The transaction has been approved by Board of Aqua and subject to approval from Board of Equity Gateways. The completion of the transaction is expected to take place within July, 2022. Orion Advisory Co., Ltd. acted as financial advisor and provided fairness opinion to Aqua.