PR Newswire/Les Echos/

28 April 2010     Press release

                     Annual General Meeting and dividend 

The Board of Directors of APRR met today to approve the agenda of the Annual
General Meeting that will be held on the 22nd of June 2010.

A dividend of 0.84 euro per share will be proposed at this General Meeting. This
dividend will be paid on 30 June 2010.

Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône

Europe's fourth-largest motorway company, APRR Group, a subsidiary of Eiffage,
operates 2,234 km of the 2,279 km of privately-managed motorway network
available under concession from the State.

The Group's motorway network is a major communications axis in Europe. In 2009,
the network recorded more than 20 billion kilometres travelled. In 2009, the
Group posted consolidated revenue of EUR1,860 million and net profit of EUR349
million, and had approximately 4,000 employees.


                     Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône press release, 28 April 2010
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