Thursday, January 24, 2013

For Immediate Release

JACKSONVILLE, Florida - APR Energy is pleased to announce the award of two new contracts for fast-track, modularized power solutions in Guatemala and Indonesia, along with extensions of existing contracts in Senegal and Gabon. These new awards and extensions, equaling 101MW, represent further development into strategically important sectors for the company.

APR Energy's contract in Guatemala will provide electricity to the Escobal silver mine in San Rafael Las Flores, Santa Rosa, about 40km outside of the capital, Guatemala City. APR Energy's plant will serve as the sole power source for the critical operations of the mine, independent from the local grid system. This contract is the latest in a string of extractive industry projects that APR Energy has undertaken, including a 2011 project in Mozambique with Vale, the second largest commercial mining company in the world, and another with a power facility in northwest Botswana in 2012.

The awarded contract in Indonesia will provide a diesel-fired power plant on the island of Nias to feed into the state-owned electrical grid system. APR Energy's 15MW modularized solution will help counteract the supply-demand imbalance and geographical limitations of the region.

"Both of these new projects represent big moves for APR Energy," said APR Energy President and Chief Operating Officer, Laurence Anderson. "The Indonesia project offers us entrance into one of the largest temporary power markets in the world, and follows the opening of our Malaysia hub in the fall of 2012. The Guatemala project falls directly in line with company interest to further penetrate the lucrative mining industry market and helps APR diversify our global customer base."

APR Energy also renewed recently its existing contracts in Senegal and Gabon, totaling 70MW. As part of both of these extensions, APR has committed to relocating its mobile equipment in order to meet its customers' changing regional power needs.

"I feel strongly that the new contracts in Indonesia and Guatemala, along with the current contract extensions, are further evidence of our continued customer satisfaction and the overall strength of the market," said APR Energy Chief Executive Officer, John Campion. "The 101MW in January follow on the heels of the 200MW contract award and 100MW renewal in Uruguay in December and show an unmistakable momentum in our business."

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