Hong Kong Branch

52/F, Two lnternational Finance Centre

8 Finance Street

Centrai, Hong Kong

Tel.+852-2971 8888



Legai & Compliance

21 August 2012

Strictly Private &: Confidential

to Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund Level27, 35 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000,


+61 3 8650 3701

subject Disclosure Of Substantial Shareholding

Dear Sirs

Please find attached a notification of substantial shareholding in Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund (Stock code: HDF) far tra de date 17 August 2012. Please contact Trish Lee at +852 3712 4387 should you

have any queries in relation to this matter. Yours sincerely,


Trish Lee

Legai & Compliance

So Young Kim

Legai & Compliance

The information contained in this facsimile message is confidential information intended only for the individuai or entity named herein. lf the reader of this information is not the named recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this facsimile is strictly prohibited. lf you have received this facsimile in errar, please immediately contact us by telephone and return the originai message to us at the above address. Thank you.

lncorporat•d In Switzerland w1th Limited Liabillty

Form 604

Corporations Law

Section 6718

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder


ACN/ARSN 058 693 388

1. Details of substantial holder

Name UBS AG and its related bodies corporale

ACN/ARSN (if applìcable):

There was a change in the interests of the substantial holder on 17 August 2012

The previous notice was given to the company an 6 August 2012

2. Previous and present voting power

The total number of votes aHached to ali the voting shares in the company or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a relevant interest (3) in when last required, and when now required, to give a substantial holding notice to the company or scheme, are as follows:

Class of securltles

Previous Notice

Present Notice

Person's Votes

Voting Power

Person's Votes

Voting Power

Stapled Securities






3. Changes in relevant interests

Particulars of each change in, or change in the nature of, a relevant interest of the substantial holder or an associate in voting securities of the company or scheme, since the substantial holder was last required to give a substantial holding notice to the company or scheme are as follows:

Date of change

Person whose relevant interest changed

Nature of


Consideration given in relation to change

Class and Number of securities

Person's votes affected

Please see Appendix B.

4. Present relevant interests

ParticuJars of each relevant interest of the substantial holder in voting securities after the change are as follows:

Holderof relevant interest

Registered holder of

Person entitled to be registered

Nature of relevant interest

Class and numberof

Person's votes




UBS Global


UBS Global Asse!

Fund Managerwith powerto



Asset Custodians Management

Management (Australia) Ltd

(Australia) Ltd

UBS AG, London Various UBS AG, London

Branch Custodians Branch

UBS Securities Brispot UBS Securities

Australia Ltd Nominees pty Australia Ltd


UBS Wealth UBS Wealth UBS Wealth

exercise contro! over voting




Asset Custodians Management

Management (Australia) Ltd

(Australia) Ltd

UBS AG, London Various UBS AG, London

Branch Custodians Branch

UBS Securities Brispot UBS Securities

Australia Ltd Nominees pty Australia Ltd


UBS Wealth UBS Wealth UBS Wealth

Beneficiai owner



Asset Custodians Management

Management (Australia) Ltd

(Australia) Ltd

UBS AG, London Various UBS AG, London

Branch Custodians Branch

UBS Securities Brispot UBS Securities

Australia Ltd Nominees pty Australia Ltd


UBS Wealth UBS Wealth UBS Wealth



Asset Custodians Management

Management (Australia) Ltd

(Australia) Ltd

UBS AG, London Various UBS AG, London

Branch Custodians Branch

UBS Securities Brispot UBS Securities

Australia Ltd Nominees pty Australia Ltd


UBS Wealth UBS Wealth UBS Wealth

Beneficiai owner



Asset Custodians Management

Management (Australia) Ltd

(Australia) Ltd

UBS AG, London Various UBS AG, London

Branch Custodians Branch

UBS Securities Brispot UBS Securities

Australia Ltd Nominees pty Australia Ltd


UBS Wealth UBS Wealth UBS Wealth



Asset Custodians Management

Management (Australia) Ltd

(Australia) Ltd

UBS AG, London Various UBS AG, London

Branch Custodians Branch

UBS Securities Brispot UBS Securities

Australia Ltd Nominees pty Australia Ltd


UBS Wealth UBS Wealth UBS Wealth

Broker with power to exercise



Management Management Management discretion aver account Stapled
Australia Ltd Australia Australia Ltd
Nominees Pty Securities


UBSAG, UBS UBS AG, Australia Prime Broker that has exercised 903,119 903,119
Australia Branch Nominees Pty Branch its borrowing right in respect of Stapled

Ltd shares pursuant a Prime

Broking Agreement (see Securities

5. Changes in association

The persons who have become associates (2) of, ceased to be associates of, or have changed the nature of their association (9) with, the substantial holder in reJation to voting interests in the company or scheme are as follows:

Name and ACN (if applicable)

Nature of association



6. Addresses

The addresses of persons named in this formare as follows:
Name Address
Details of ali UBS offices can be found through the following link:: http:/


Print Name: Sign Here:

Print Name: Sign Here:

So Young Kim Capacity: Authorised signatory

Date: 21 August 2012

Trish Lee Capacity: Authorised signatory

Date: 21 August 2012

Contact details for this notice:

Trish Lee

Legai & Compliance

(T) +852 3712 4387

{F) +852 2971 7895

Appendix A

Holder of relevant lnterest

UBS AG, Australia Branch

Type of agreement

Prime Brokerage Agreemenl

Parties to agreement

(i) UBS AG, Australia Branch ('UBS AG")

(ii) Clienl(Piease refer lo Appendix


Transfer date

Please refer lo Appendix A-1.

Holder of voting rights


Are there any restrictions on voting rights?

Please refer lo lhe details below.

lf yes, detail

Since ali righiand tìtle in lhe securities passes lo the lransferee (J.e. UBS AG), the transferee has lhe righilo vote. However, in certain circumslances, lhe lransferee may seek lo arrange for inslructions lo

be exercised in accordance with lhe lnslructions of lhe lransferor (i.e. Client).

Scheduled retum date (if any)

None, subjeclto the terms of lhe relevant loan.

Does the borrower have th ;right

to return early?


lf yes, deiail

The borrower (i.e. UBS AG) has lhe righito retum at its discretion.

Ooes the tender have the rlght lo recati early?


lf yes, delail

The tender (i.e. Client) can recall al ils request subject lo compliance with margin requirements and the terms ofthe relevanlloan.

Wlll the securltles be retumed on settlement?


lf yes, detail any exceptions


The information in lhis appendix is based on the relevanlstandard UBS agreement.

A copy of the agreemenlis available lo lhe company, or responsible entity lo whom the prescribed form musibe given, orto ASlC, upon request.

Prime Brokerage Agreement- UBS AG, Australia Branch

Appendix A-1

ParliHto agreement

Transfer date

Regal Funds Management Pty Ud as truslee and manager of Atlantic Absolute Retum


(i) 3 August2012

Regal Funds Management Pty Limited as trustee and manager of Tasman Market

Neutra! Fund

(i) 3 August 2012

Regal Funds Management Pty Limiled as trustee for Regal Australian Long Short

Geared Equlty Fund

(i) 3 August 2012


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distributed by