03-Sep-2012 09:34 AM Allens Melbourne 61396144661 1/5

Allens >< Linklaters

Date 3 September 2012 AE.II'I 41 N2 !)!)t> 10!:1

101 Collins Straat

Melboume VIC 3000 Australia

From Jon Webster T +61 3 96141011

To Market Announcements Office Corrospondcnco

ASX Group GPO Box 1776

Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia

Fax 1300 135 638 DX 30999 Melboume www.allens.com.au

Confidential Fax

Fax enquiries ring +61 3 9613 8971

Dear Sir l Madam

Takeover Bid by Pipeline Partners Australia Pty Limited in relation to the H< stings Diversified Utilities Fund

In accordance wilh section 671B(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), we attach Form 605

Notice ceasing lo be a substantial holder dated 3 September 2012, on behalf of Pipeline Partners Australia Pty Umited, the Bidder Group referred lo in lhalnotice and their respective related bodies corporale.

Yours sincerely


Jon Webster



·--- ·- .


T +61 3 9613 8832


Allens rs ;n rnd ;:pendcnl p!'lrtncr hif.i opei lirg in t'JIIi<± nwith Llnklaters Lll".

Tlnt!. docurnent and arw toiJowmPRO ;tS rn;;y l".t: nt.:: in par on1.1l infurrm:llrun t'I!.J i :intt: nded solely ror the narnotd addreiliilòee IIIG oonfin0nti;::al nnd mny bi:!

rbj<:l(:1 tn lng111 or other profe!! : kml pfivll&ge. Any oonhdentlality or privil'llOO inoi Wilivcd or lut b ulhi!5 dururnent 1·ra11 ooan t ant to vou b ·

mi!!tl:lkf:l' Tht! oopylng or dlstrlbutton ot ttwa; ooc.um'Jn1 nr : ny infurmatiun irr iL L-y ;: ryone olher !han t11e addresaE a, r.s prohtbrteo. /t YOll Mv.;rr.H;r:ivr.-< thi:;

docwn•:mt in r:rror, plc:le lt.'l u 1ruw by teletJhùr'lè, sr"'d tMn rE Illm lt by mail to lh.;r ru::lt1re:;:; r. bcvC!. We will refumJ yuur oo!!les uf t.IOh1so. Any Ptl onal

111furmo: tiurr i11lhit1 doturi1ér11 muet De MMIM rn €1CCOI.10ln-. '"! with thc Priv::: t::y Atr 1986 (Clll). Wtì rn::y coll8ct persona11ntormation 8b0llt yr.:n.1 in thr. çmJr$o

ot ovrae81ingr. with you 0ur pl'iv;:Jcy t: ;:J rm:trll {www.all>llna.oom.eUgeneral'f)nV811Y.htl11) tl'lll:; you haw Wl!i u u lly culltwl rK.i ut:e yOuf per"SI)nal

infr:Jrm ticrl l:llld h(.lw you Ciiln lilCCE'ISS il

03-Sep-2012 09:34 AM Allens Melbourne 61396144661


Form 605

Còrporatlons Act 2001

Sootlon 671a

605 a ; 1{11 15 Jul 2001

Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder

TaCornp;;.ny N me/Scl1eme

Ha.slings Fund Màr'làQBmént limited (ACN 058 693 38B) a.s. Respooaible Entity fo( Ha(;tinge; Oiversified Uti!illes r-:und (HDUF) (which comprise$ HOUF Epic: Trust (ARSN 109 trO 9$1), HOUF l lnance Trust (ARSN 109 770 765).and HOUF ru(her lnves1''l!i:nls Tru&t (ARSN 109 897 921)}.


1. Details of subslantlal holder {1)

PIPEi!llne PMners Australia Pty Umlted (1CN 157 963 810) (8jddcf') .:tnd eoch o.f !ho- entilìés déscribéd in Anne:xure "A''

(Bidder Group) and r=:ach of (hr ir re$p'€!ctive rela.teO bodie!3 corporate.

ACN/ARSN (if a.pplicablé)

The holdNce sed to be a

sub'Stantlal holder on

The prevlous notlce 'VaS given to the oomp ny on

The pr vious notloe was dated




2. ChanQes In relevant interes.ts

Particwlor:; Df e.t:1Ch change 1n. Of change in the na!Ure ot.relevant interest (2) of lhe substantial holder or an associate (3) in votirlg secvdlles of the l)') 'pBny ot

scheme, !;lince tha..s.u..b...sta .n..t.i.a..t . hr..'llder wr.m !nt requ r.ed te glva- subst.antinl holding. notlce to !he company or tc:heme are t"':s follows.·

Thc pcr.sD-n:!l who havo b comc be assoelates of, or have changed the nature cf thelr ase.odation {7) wlth. the substanlialholder in wlalK.m la voting ic)terests tn tne commmv or 001em;51 re s follow.s;
NàrM and ACN/1H.SN of .assMiatiol'l


4. Addresses

The addre-::.::;es of panoons namau in lhl::; form ;;m::s follow;:;;
Nanié Addrè:li$

B,-Id:-d:-e-r---------- ---------l;-tov=e,-13"'3'.'10"1'-C"ÙtlillSt. Melboume, VIC 3000

mdaer{3rp.................................,,·.-------- i · p; -n.-,-o-re-.-,A-"-·-----· ... --...-.,......... ,..._,..,. .,,...,." ·"-..... ,....... l

03-Sep-2012 09:35 AM Allens Melbourne 61396144661 3/5


Diractor, Pipe!ino

P rtners Australia P!y

Limited {on behs.lf of the

<:<.lp<'!dty E!ldcJer nd lhe Bi1:ld r

Group and lheir

respe-c1ivrf,!laiO bo

t:Or):l ral :.)

sign 11om

d<>te 0:1109120 t 2

03-Sep-2012 09:35 AM Allens Melbourne 61396144661


60iì a o3/4 1 S Jul 2001


{f) lf lhere aa nl,lmt;le-r of sub$1al'ltlal holders with f.:irnihr or relsted ralevanlinterosts {cg, <) COI'por;,: rion nd its relatad c.orpor.cltiùt'J:S, or lhù manàger and rrustee of n equity tn.Jst), the n m ;> Qt>uld bli! inçluded in <.n annexure to the lbrm, H the relè11ant intereSI$ o(;;., t)fOI.lf.) of perwns are- e sent 1lly ;c:imilar, th ?Y may be r ferred [IJ tt11ouyh0ut the forrn as <::spP.cifir..ally named group if thc r))ùr'r'lbership of aach group, with the nan'IGS <:)l'Id addresses of r'f!émber.s
15 clel:lrfY se1 out in paragraph 4 c-1ttio foli'n.
{2) 5(11,;! thc dcfinith.m or "relevant inte(est" 1.(1 eectlons 608 and 6719{7) of ho CorptJrutions Acl001.

(3) See the dcl'initton of "<.t:)$Oclate" in seclion 9 ofthe Corporations Act 2001.

(4} lm;ludt:: details of.·

{a) any relev<:1rlt agreement or other cirr.vmstanres btcauM cf which the chtmge in relev .ant intoret ocçurrod. lf subse:ctlon6?·1 B(4) applie.:r;, a O(my of any document selting out the lcmrts of any r'òlevanlag(eemeflt, and a s.tatemer1t by lhe parson giving full und c: ccure te detalls of any contract, sr,htema or arrangemcni, must ac:company this form, together with e writton stif.llement certifying this contr ct, schem-e l';>r arr-!iingement; and

{b) any qo!'llifice tion of the po Ner ùf a person to exercise, contro! tha Bxaruisa ol, ot ir'f1uence the exercise of, tha 1/0ting powera or disposal Qf the secufitles to whlch (h-e relevlllnt inter-e!i:lt ret t :;(indicating clcurly IMparocular securìties to whièh thè qualific.ation :applies).

See thr.:: defll'lltion of "re!ew1nt ;'lgreement• in section 9 of 1M CorpcHatlons Act '2001.

(S) Detail:;; of the consideration must include any and ali bc:neflts, moneys an{:! other, tllt .any pcn:mn frorn whom a relevant interesl ws SGQ lired hM, or mfil,y, bççoml3 enutiGd lo I'CCOiVC in rcla"tlof"J to lht i511Cif lhe benefit i.<> oonditiona( c:m thhuppaning or not o1 a oon1ir1 ency. Details must be included of any baMfit paid on behalf of the- ii:I.Jbet;;lntisl holder or its associate In relation to ti1P. ;;o:cqlJisitions, even if they are nolpaid dlrccly to tllt'J person frorn whom the relevant lnt.arest was a.cquin;,d.

(8} The voting shares of a con1p:my c;onstitut ?; ona class Lmless dlvlded into separate cla'l.> ae.
(7) Give details., if appropriate, af !ha present idS!iiocialion and aoy çtn:.nge in 1ha1 Slio$Qcia1ion sir1ce the lastsubstantial holding notice.

03-Sep-2012 09:35 AM Allens Melbourne 61396144661 5/5

Annexure "A"

60!5 p,<>ge <114 15 July 2001

Thìs is Annexure "A" of ·1 page referred to in the Form 605 of the Bìdder and the Bìdder Group (Notìce of ceasìng to be a substanlial holder in relation to the Hastings Oìversilied Utilities Fund) signed by me and dated

') '<•-'c ),.JH'/ 2012.


,,•. •"1

Director, Pìpellne Partners Australia Pty Lìmited (ACN 15'7 963 8'1 O)

(on behalf of t11e Bidder and the Bidder Group and their respective rclaled bodles corporale)

The Bidder Groug


_ _

... - çF.... :···=· p IL;;_::, =--=---:--=...:.:....:...;.;.-. =---- -- -.:-- ----- -+.!.-- --0 -d@d re s · :==-----11-c;:··u::.::urilii f0corr)oraTiOi;"··

Piptl!ine l(JVe.N Pty 159 333fl3 $$ tn,Jstaa of the Pipcline tnvestments Trust l..evel ?,7, 3S Gollin$ Au!;!.iralia

Umlted St(eet. Metboume, VIC,

3000. Australia



NI"A----+-.-,-9-crler r p u:tr;e·r:·orAU'"SiF 'if ···prpeiùii;·····----r., oo:;ioi'-,-'.5p:i:ta':c •"iJ•::·•:-;":;_po:.:-:u:;-t.:-+"c:::.,:::,.:-:u:-;a--

cnro, LP. (a!so known as Pipelint s Rlonelle. MnntnQC,

·-utA M·ana-,,-.-rn-e-ot"r"',-y--+--:--1S's 2i'if26''o-+':' 'C e' c;: 'i:ec .tr ··01 À 9Jrretl'n ;·T; ·if-·-----1H-' =22'=:.;;f'

i1':-' C: 1*1 ':,:----1-A"u"'>"·tr:::""'ia'---·--······-.............................

Limiled Stfeet, Melbo.urne, VIC, u'iiiiliii'$"'6f'Aumr.ii' ia-pty.---f:0:0:3 w:384 12:-7- a"Str'ù5i '"OfU1iùlrQ'S"f ro·st'Ocf ;::: =c:----+73Le00/e 0l.2A7u' 3s5t ffCi lol alli/l--·-··"- -Au;·iii'i( t·" Urrdt d Sttcct. Melbour. VIC,

::1-000, ALJstralia

···conouit lnve !rnrnnts

l'ru:slee lnc.

... ------+,:c,:-;t=lt,:::.!":.IP...P. of eaeh of lhè' NOfthefii 'ù'·t ·st"

Cor11pa:ny, Can d<"1:1trllste.e Qf Th

H::9:1ifaJ< Regional Munic::ipa!ily Mfl!l.ter• T (U:!il,

Nt)W BruMwlck !nvestme111 M.lln g rnent

Corpor&.tion as trustas of NSIMC lnl!'l;und, HBC Dexla lnl"'.;!stor Services irust as ltustee of Conada Post Corporation Registered Pension Pian. CIBC Mcllon l"tust Company as lrtJstee of TF;U.JS lnfrastructure Ma:6(lr' 'rtust Ttl( t3ou!'d of Tn SI ea of the Collages of

Applied Arls and Tt:c1·1nOk1gy Penslon Pl3n

t: nd The Unil.fflN ily of British Columbia Sli::iff

"""N•"'o':'rthi'-7A':'m"7o no",•"'n"'c".o"n"t.-e::-_,--hciii"ida.. ---·-·-----1

5700 Ycmge Slru Jt Suite

200, Toronlo ON.

M2M 4f(2, CM.adà

Pen:;;ion Plar l -qç,,! J!§J?Si!Ql'oll.,._......t-,--,;;=--;-;-;;:-;=::---


N/A 5 Placa Vili'Marie, ·-·c.;n·àaa

Sulte 1100. P0 eox

11002, Morllr";iJI QC,


placmncn! du Québec.

------------·------------[··.Hi.6òC 'O. , TP12iC, fC#" .aJOnOd "aò PSul.:.--t-;c<=,a=n"'a"'ua=-- Riopelle. Monlfoal QG,

fj; ;;""NO'(th-e -m=Tru-s,t ---+.,.N.7A'""''"""''"'"·"""·"·"-"''"' '·'·a'iitr"USteeOt The H iif$-xi QiOrii;'l'"'"-"""'""-··· ..H18..1.?09..Bfi 9.'lm,.n!g<to Jni.S.tre9e .t,---····-······C -a--n·a·d··a ·······--+==c-------

Company, Canada Municipal1ty M< lèr 'fru$t {ith Fk;lor, CIBC Buikling,

Suilé S04, Hatlfax, NS,

"N(tw Brunswick lnvesltnBiif

Manage1 nw lCoroo ·ation

s tn,!Ste of NBi"Mf'iii' StniG1Ur· :und · ..... -· J.. · i - ii·=.-----1-ce:,,::,.:::,.::;d:-.--------..·--·--............

581, Ymk To :11,

Frederictorr, NB,

Rsc o(3)(Ìét 1nvesror

Servlcee Tn.1s1

- -t-,N"I"A-·····--+.:::,:-.tr::u,::;•iloo Of Can.:tda POS't'COii)iif:iiiiO'=n··----r.;-'-; 2 ,::;c, "'· s'c' o:: C', é:=':' èi ;:.=::ot'.-+· c - · idti""""'"'"'"' ..... """""' ""'"""""

f egiste:red Pen$iOn Pian SLiile 00, Toron, ON.

·-ci·sc-Maik r)·t;u·i:·t·

Cornp ny

........NiA....·-·-····-..··-·-· ··as·tiU;iiUO··on;liLUS. iOfr stl-uctU·m·MaSier·······.. _MàO5tGhF2i Lo5o,r Car1ada

Trv t ·100 Street, Edmonicm,

AB. '1'5J ON$, Cf1rlt"!diil

-t--ca,""'no-ò·"'a-- ---········....................,..... . 1

···rh!!ìOo rd-Of'f ·, tP.- of N/A

ttte Collegvs o( App!iecl A1ts

Qfld TechnQI>Qgy Pens·ton


"The Univ!lrsily c.(ii(ltiSti -'"'N/A-··-..·---···,.·-·-·- NfA

Colurnbl'l Slaff Penaion

2 Queem Slr'C::et 1st,

Suite 1400, P.O. Box 22.

roronto, ON, MSC 3G7.


""cio U6C lnve!;ilment

Mf.ll'ttlgement Twst lne..

1055 We.st l·la$.tirlgs Stn:Jlll, Suitu 1H.J.tl, V•.1ncower, BC, V6E 2E9,


---'----- -"-'''" """""""----'-'=""'--- C-an-a-d-a----··--··--·'-- .........,. -·

distributed by