Hastings Funds Management Limited ABN 27 058 693 388

AFSL No. 238309

Level 27, 35 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia T +61 3 8650 3600

F +61 3 8650 3701


Melbourne, London, New York, Sydney

ASX Announcement

Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund (HDF) Total pages: 3

11 September 2012

APA extends its offer period to 25 September 2012

Hastings Funds Management Limited (HFML), as Responsible Entity for HDF, notes the announcement by the APA Group (APA) advising that it has extended the offer period for its increased bid for all of the HDF Securities it does not own to 7:00pm (AEST) on 25 September 2012.
Please find attached a copy of APA's announcement.
For further enquiries, please contact the HDF Information Line on 1800 815 610 (toll-free in Australia) or
+612 8256 3357 (outside Australia).

For further enquiries, please contact:

Colin Atkin

Chief Executive Officer

Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund
Tel: +61 3 8650 3600
Fax: +61 3 8650 3701
Email: investor_relations@hfm.com.au
Website: www.hfm.com.au

Jane Frawley

Company Secretary

Hastings Funds Management Limited

Simon Ondaatje

Head of Investor Relations

Hastings Funds Management
Tel: +61 3 8650 3600
Fax: +61 3 8650 3701
Email: investor_relations@hfm.com.au
Website: www.hfm.com.au

Unless otherwise stated, the information contained in this document is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute an offer of securities and should not be relied upon as financial advice. The information has been prepared without taking into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person or entity. Before making an investment decision you should consider, with or without the assistance of a financial adviser, whether any investments are appropriate in light of your particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances. Neither Hastings, nor any of its related parties including Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141, guarantees the repayment of capital or performance of any of the entities referred to in this document and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Hastings, as the Manager or Trustee of various funds, is entitled to receive management and performance fees.

10 September 2012

The Manager

Company Announcements Office

Australian Securities Exchange

4th Floor, 20 Bridge Street

Sydney NSW 2000

Electronic Lodgement

Dear Sir/Madam

APT Pipelines Limited - Takeover bid for Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund ("Offer") - Notice of variation extending offer period

In accordance with section 650D of the Corporations Act, please find attached a notice of variation that extends the offer period.

This document relates to APT Pipelines Limited's bidder's statement dated 15 December 2011 (as supplemented) for all the stapled securities in Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund (each stapled security comprising one unit in each of HDUF Epic Trust (ARSN 109 770 961), HDUF Finance Trust (ARSN 109 770 765), and HDUF Further Investments Trust (ARSN 109 897 921)).

A copy of the notice of variation has been lodged with ASIC and will be given to Hastings Diversified Utilities Fund. The notice of variation will also be sent to each of the HDUF Securityholders.

Yours faithfully

Mark Knapman Company Secretary APT PIPELINES LIMITED (ABN 89 009 666 700) (A COMPANY WHOLLY OWNED BY AUSTRALIAN PIPELINE TRUST (ARSN 091 678 778)) ("BIDDER") NOTICE OF VARIATION EXTENDING OFFER PERIOD TO: Hastings Funds Management Limited (ABN 27 058 693 388) in its capacity as responsible entity of the Hastings

Diversified Utilities Fund
Australian Securities and Investments Commission ("ASIC") ASX Limited ("ASX")
Each person to whom an Offer was made
The Bidder gives notice under section 650D of the Corporations Act that it varies the Offer by extending the Offer Period so as to change the close of the Offer Period from 7:00pm (Sydney time) on 18 September 2012 to 7:00pm (Sydney time) on 25
September 2012 (unless further extended or withdrawn).
The Offer Period of the Offer was previously varied by notices dated 19 March 2012, 19 April 2012, 15 May 2012, 20 July 2012 and 27 August 2012.
As this variation (combined with the previous notices) results in the Bidder varying the Offer in a way that postpones for more than 1 month the time when the Bidder has to meet its obligations under the bid, each person to whom the Bidder has made an Offer and who has accepted the Offer before the date of this notice, has the right to withdraw their acceptan ce within one month beginning on the day after the day on which this notice was received, in accordance with section 650E of the Corporations Act.
Any notice by a person withdrawing its acceptance of the Offer under section 650E of the Corporations Act mu st:
a) if the securities are in a CHESS Holding, be in the form of a Valid Originating Message transmitted to ASX Settlement by the Controlling Participant for that CHESS Holding, specifying the number of stapled securities to be released from the Offer Accepted Subposition in which the relevant stapled securities have been reserved; or
b) in any other case, be in writing.
If a person withdraws an acceptance in this manner, the Bidder must, before the end of 14 days after the day it is given the withdrawal notice:
a) return to the person any documents that were sent by the person to the Bidder with the acceptance of the Offer; and b) if the stapled securities are in a CHESS Holding, Transmit to ASX Settlement a Valid Message that authorises the
release of those stapled securities from the Offer Accepted Subposition in which the CHESS Holding has been
The new date for giving notice under section 630 of the Corporations Act of the status of the conditions set out in Section 1 0 of
the bidder's statement dated 15 December 2011 ("Bidder's Statement") is 18 September 2012.
Unless the context requires otherwise, defined terms in the Bidder's Statement (as supplemented) and in the ASX Settlement
Operating Rules have the same meaning in this notice.
A copy of this notice was lodged with ASIC on 10 September 2012. ASIC takes no responsibility for the contents of this notice. This notice is dated 10 September 2012.

Signed on behalf of APT Pipelines Limited (ABN 89 009 666 700).

Leonard Bleasel AM


Michael McCormack


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