Genoa, 15 January 2013

The Board of Directors of Ansaldo STS (STS.MI), which was held on December 18th 2012, with Mr. Alessandro Pansa acting as chairman, approved the Financial Calendar for 2013.

Financial Calendar - 2013

Monday, 11 February Approval of the preliminary annual result 2012
Tuesday, 5 March Approval of the ASTS Group Consolidated Financial Statements for 2012
Approval of the ASTS S.p.A. draft Financial Statements for 2012
To be defined between
April 29 and May 3
Approval of the First-quarter Interim Report
Wednesday, 8 May
Single call
General Meeting of Shareholders
Approval of Ansaldo STS S.p.A. Financial Statement for 2012
To be defined between
July 25 and July 26
Approval of First-half Interim Report

To be defined between
October 28 and November 4

Approval of the Third-quarter Interim Report

Pursuant to article 2.2.3, paragraph 3 of the Italian Stock Market Regulations, instead of the interim results for the fourth quarter of 2012, the Company will publish the annual report results within 90 days of the end of such financial year.
The accounting data will be, usually, presented to the financial analysts on the same day, or the day after, their approval by the competent body.

Any changes to this calendar will be timely announced.
It is likewise made known that the aforesaid Board of Directors also resolved the Company's subscription to the new Self-regulatory Code for Listed Companies published by the Italian Stock Exchange in December 2011, especially through certain modifications to its Internal Regulations aimed at prompt adoption of the principles and application criteria of the new edition of the Code.

Detailed information on compliance with the new Code and relevant application thereof will be provided in the Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure to be published during the year 2013.

Media Contact :
Ansaldo STS
Roberto Alatri, tel. +39 347 4184430

Investor Relations Officer:
Andrea Razeto, tel. +39 010 6552068

Giancarlo Fre, tel. +39 06 48905000

Andrea Faravelli, tel. +39 02 48000250

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