Cloud Nine Web3 Technologies Inc. announced it has entered into a third party services agreement with Argent Crypto Inc. (the Crypto MSB), whereby the Crypto MSB has agreed to access and utilize Cloud Nine's unused computer processing power of its userbase to mine digital assets, collect digital assets from such activity and convert such assets into fiat currency on behalf of the Company. The Company intends to utilize this relationship to perform a monetization strategy for the foreseeable future until the Company has the personnel and cash resources necessary to support such operations independently and until the Company believes it can safely mitigate the regulatory and business risks associated with cryptocurrency mining. Pursuant to the terms of the services agreement, the Crypto MSB has agreed to utilize the Company's proprietary technology to access the unused processing power of the devices of the Company's userbase to mine digital assets.

The Crypto MSB is required to collect all digital assets generated from cryptocurrency mining and convert such digital assets into fiat currency and distribute the proceeds back to the Company. During the term of the agreement, the Company has the right to require the Crypto MSB to initiate, halt and re-commence such services at the Company's sole discretion. For their services, the Crypto MSB is entitled to a service fee equal to an agreed upon percentage from the converted fiat amount, with the balance being paid out to the Company.

The agreement may be terminated at any time by any party with at least 90 days written notice.