ANHANGUERA EDUCACIONAL PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. Publicly-held Company Corporate Registry ID (NIRE) 35.300.184.092 Corporate Taxpayer's ID Number (CNPJ) 04.310.392/0001-46 Notice to the Market ANHANGUERA EDUCACIONAL PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. ("Company"), hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that the Ministry of Education ("MEC") announced through the Official Press that Uniban met all the quality standards agreed with the MEC through the Term of Adjustment ("TSD") signed in 2012, dismissing the administrative process and the restrictions imposed by the TSD for Uniban.

The Company informs that this is a result from the series of investments in quality at Uniban that the Company has been making since its acquisition. Those investments comprise the academic project, faculty and infrastructure. The Company has implemented a series of measures to improve Uniban's quality, including the introduction of the Anhanguera's Curricula at Uniban combined with faculty training and qualification. The Company also improved the faculty profile hiring Masters and PhDs and invested heavily in laboratories and libraries. Anhanguera emphasizes that all these measures were also well received by the students, who evaluated Uniban positively in the last Internal Evaluation Program.
Besides overcoming the TSD, the results of those investments were also the positive grades obtained at the last cycle of quality assessment published by the MEC. The highlights were: i) the Courses General Index ("IGC") equal to 3 (three); and ii) 97% of positive grades of the Courses Preliminary Grades ("CPC") for 2012 (just 1 unsatisfactory grade) compared to 29% positive grades in 2009 (23 unsatisfactory grades) - when the same group of programs were evaluated. It is important to bear in mind that this CPC performance compares to 82% of
positive grades from other private institutions.