Modern Slavery



AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023


About this report


Leadership commitment


About AngloGold Ashanti


Our supply chain


Our approach to Human Rights


Risks of modern slavery practices in our operations and

supply chains


Supplier risk assessment


Actions taken to assess and address risks


Assessing the effectiveness of our actions


Sunrise Dam, Australia

Silicon, Nevada projects

Stakeholder feedback

We welcome feedback on our reporting. Should you have any comments or suggestions on how we could improve the quality of our reports, contact our investor relations team at: investor.relations@anglogoldashanti.com

This is AngloGold Ashanti's fourth Modern Slavery Statement in which we report on our efforts to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for risks of modern slavery in our operations and our supply chain.

2023 Report suite

The full set of AngloGold Ashanti's

2023 reports is available at:


AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023

About this report

Modern slavery refers to situations where coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit victims and to undermine or deprive them of their freedoms. It includes human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced marriage, forced labour, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting for labour or services, and the worst forms of child labour.

The International Labour Organisation, which describes modern slavery as the very antithesis of social justice and sustainable development, says in its Global Estimates of Modern Slavery and Forced Marriage report, released in September 2022, that there were 50 million people in situations of modern slavery on any given day. This means they are either forced to work against their will or are living in a marriage into which they were forced. This translates to nearly one out of every 150 people in the world.

Sadly, this number represents a deterioration in the situation. In 2017, in comparison, it was estimated that approximately 40 million people were in situations where they experienced some form of modern slavery.

To support the Australian business community in identifying and addressing their modern slavery risks and maintaining responsible and transparent supply chains, the Australian government has put in place the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Australian MSA). This established a modern slavery reporting requirement for larger companies operating in Australia. This report is AngloGold Ashanti's fourth in compliance with the Australian MSA.

In 2023 our organisation undertook a significant corporate restructuring. A new company, AngloGold Ashanti plc, registered and incorporated in England and Wales, became the listed parent company of the AngloGold Ashanti Group with AngloGold Ashanti Limited (currently known as AngloGold Ashanti (Pty) Limited) as its subsidiary at the end of September 2023.

Headquartered in Denver in the United States, AngloGold Ashanti plc has its primary listing on the NYSE and secondary listings in South Africa and Ghana.

This joint statement responds to both the requirements of the Australian MSA and the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK MSA). This joint statement is submitted by AngloGold Ashanti plc (ARBN 090101170), as the parent company of the AngloGold Ashanti Group of companies for the period 1 January - 31 December 2023:

  1. under the Australian MSA, for the following reporting entities: AngloGold Ashanti Limited (renamed to 'AngloGold Ashanti (Pty) Limited' following the corporate restructuring - Reg. No: 1944/017354/07), AngloGold Investments Australia Pty Limited (ABN 48090112459), and AngloGold Ashanti Australia Limited (ABN 42008737424); and (2) under the UK MSA, for AngloGold Ashanti plc, reporting on a voluntary basis.

We note that AngloGold Ashanti Limited was previously the parent company of the Group but has now become a subsidiary under AngloGold Ashanti plc following the corporate restructuring. AngloGold Ashanti Limited is only a reporting entity under the Australian MSA based on its activities prior to the completion of the corporate restructuring on 25 September 2023.

Each of these reporting entities operate in the same sector, are governed by the same policies and standards and have many shared suppliers. Therefore, this joint statement is a single, consolidated description of their actions to address modern slavery risks. The terms "the Company", "AngloGold Ashanti", "AngloGold Ashanti Group", "our", and "we" used throughout this report refer to AngloGold Ashanti and all its subsidiaries collectively, both prior to and following our corporate restructuring. This is because we operate using group-wide corporate governance and risk frameworks to assess and manage our human rights risks, including modern slavery. It

is not intended to convey how we are structured, managed or controlled. Joint venture partners are made aware of our human rights and modern slavery approaches at joint venture meetings.

All AngloGold Ashanti entities report on modern slavery risks in their supply chains as part of the AngloGold Ashanti human rights due diligence process.

Our corporate governance and risk management framework (which includes our Code of Business Principles and Ethics, policies, standards, procedures and tools) is developed centrally by the Board of Directors of AngloGold Ashanti, its Social, Ethics and Sustainability Committee of the Board, and management. It applies across the AngloGold Ashanti Group, including at our operated joint ventures. We have also adopted a Code of Business Principles and Ethics to promote a culture of an ethical and legally compliant performance which is a key element in the quest for good corporate governance.

This statement has been prepared with input from, and in consultation with, the Social, Ethics and Sustainability Committee and management representatives responsible for overseeing this work, including senior management representatives from each reporting entity and AngloGold Ashanti plc as the entity giving this statement.

During the period under review, the Company actively engaged and consulted with all companies we own or control in the development of this statement. We discussed details of the Australian MSA's reporting requirements, information regarding the actions we intend to take to address these requirements and provided them with relevant materials and updates. We did the same with respect to the UK MSA.

Geita, Tanzania


AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Leadership commitment

AngloGold Ashanti continues to take tangible steps to guard against and eliminate modern slavery in our supply chain, an integral part of our firm commitment to respect human rights. This year's Modern Slavery Statement provides information on the progress we have made in this important area of our business.

Our Board, guided by our Chairperson, the CEO and the Chair of our Social, Ethics and Sustainability Committee, oversee our activities in this area, following our operational, corporate governance and risk frameworks to assess and manage our human rights risks, including modern slavery.

This is our fourth Modern Slavery Statement. It has been prepared with input from the Social, Ethics and Sustainability Committee and management representatives responsible for this work, including senior management from each reporting entity.

Through the year we engaged all the companies we own or control in the development of this statement, discussing details of the Australian Modern Slavery Act's reporting requirements, information regarding the actions we intend to take to address these, and provided them with relevant materials and updates. We did the same with respect to the UK Modern Slavery Act.

We also continued embedding our human rights due diligence process at each of our sites, with annual Human Rights Due Diligence risk assessments conducted as part of our governance and assurance processes. These did not identify any new potential modern slavery risk.

Risks of modern slavery practices

The supply chain remains a high-risk area for any business, presenting potential exposure to modern slavery. We are pleased to report improvements in the monitoring of our supply chain and also the implementation of the Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance onboarding solution. This will make the engagement of new suppliers both more effective and efficient.

We also follow a comprehensive prequalification and assessment process of our suppliers, but do not yet conduct a direct risk assessment of every supplier. We are working towards this. We have a strict governance policy across our global procurement activities with the Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) playing a key role in assessing new suppliers.

Kibali, DRC

All potential suppliers must complete an SAQ and fulfil our criteria in order to secure contracts with the company. Data gathered through this process will help us develop a system to improve monitoring and tracking of high-risksecond-tier suppliers and auditing of vendor risk profiles, using external service providers. We are refining risk ratings based on SAQ data and designing a Global Supplier Lifecycle Performance (SLP) management tool which we expect to introduce in 2025.

Ariba's cloud-based software will improve this process, providing a more comprehensive risk assessment of suppliers through

a centralised recorded onboarding process. In time, this software will allow us to provide an increasingly comprehensive onboarding risk assessment, assessing risk and compliance and providing risk rating reports.

We intend to assess the maturity of our systems and controls against international good practice and framework standards as we improve our modern slavery risk assessment and management framework. Our work to tackle any modern slavery concerns has been driven by the legislative requirements in Australia where it stipulates we must demonstrate continuous improvement in addressing issues of child labour, human trafficking and concerns related to modern slavery. This is an established element of our human rights work and further details are presented in the report.

Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) key

Our commitment to respecting human rights plays an important role in our work to address the risk that modern slavery practices pose to human rights.

In the period under review, we continued to engage with a broad cross-section of community members and leadership, including traditional, appointed, and elected leaders, local and national government, women's groups, youth and people with disabilities. We also consult with civil society, indigenous communities, various vulnerable groups and human rights defenders in and around our operational areas regarding the respect and protection of human rights. These engagements are prioritised internally and also on external forums nationally and internationally, as we strive to improve our human rights due diligence processes and performance.


AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023

Leadership commitment continued

This work combined with our supply chain monitoring, ensures we have comprehensive processes in place to identify, assess, and remedy any potential negative modern slavery practices.

A key element of this monitoring framework is the implementation of a comprehensive Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) process. It underpins our commitment to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and ensures ongoing management of human rights risks including those associated with modern slavery.

The HRDD process, which includes internal HRDD assessments and an internally created tool to assess the strength of the Social Licence to Operate (SLO) for each site, supports our objective to respect fundamental human rights where we do business and to contribute to building productive, respectful and mutually beneficial partnerships in the communities in which we operate.

We have a Human Rights Governance Framework in place, supported by a Sustainability Policy, Health, Safety and Security Policy, People Policy and the AngloGold Ashanti Human Rights Standard, which are aligned to the UNGPs.

We are also committed to maintaining accessible grievance mechanisms to ensure community members and other stakeholders, including our employees, communities, suppliers, partners and associates have an avenue through which they can

Tropicana, Australia

easily lodge reports of any concerns and or grievances, including our Speak-up channels. Site-specific grievance processes exist for employees, contractors and communities to report concerns related to human rights infringements, among other matters.

Unwavering commitment to respecting human rights

AngloGold Ashanti has an unwavering commitment to respecting human rights across every aspect of its business, and in doing so we will improve our modern slavery risk monitoring, delivering an increasingly comprehensive and transparent process. This work is in line with our company's values and our purpose: "Mining to empower people, and advance societies."

This statement was approved by the Board of AngloGold Ashanti on 30 May 2024.

Jochen Tilk

Kojo Busia

Alberto Calderon

Board Chairperson

Chair - Board

Chief Executive Officer

Social, Ethics and




AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023

About AngloGold Ashanti

Headquartered in Denver, in the United States, AngloGold Ashanti plc (AngloGold Ashanti) has its primary listing on the NYSE and secondary listings in South Africa and Ghana. The Company is registered in England and Wales.

While focused primarily on gold mining, we pursue value-creating opportunities involving other minerals when we can leverage our existing assets, shareholdings, skills and experience.

A geographically diverse shareholder base includes some of the world's largest financial institutions.

Our purpose

Mining to empower people and advance societies

Obuasi, Ghana

Our mission

To create value for our shareholders, employees and business and social partners by safely and responsibly exploring for, mining and marketing our products.

Our values

Our six values guide all decisions made and actions taken

in the conduct of our business. These values link our activities to our environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals and commitments.

2023 - a snapshot

  • Produced 2.635Moz of gold, our principal product, and 4.4Moz of silver as a by-product (2022: 2.742Moz of gold; 3.6Moz of silver)
  • Employed an average of 33,658 people (including contractors) (2022: 32,594 people)
  • At 31 December 2023:
    • Reported a total gold Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 59.9 Moz, a gold Inferred Mineral Resource of 46.4Moz and a total gold Mineral Reserve of 28.1Moz
    • Included a gold Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of 5.4Moz and a gold Inferred Mineral Resource of 11.2Moz for the Beatty District in Nevada
  • Recorded a market capitalisation of $7.8bn at 31 December 2023 (2022: $8.1bn)
  • Included in the JSE Top 40 Index, the S&P Global CSA, the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index Series (the FTSE4Good Index), the Responsible Mining Index and the Bloomberg 2023 Gender-Equality Index



We put safety first, before anything else


We treat each other with human dignity and respect


We are honest and true to what we commit to


We make a positive contribution towards an enduring world


We focus on continuous improvement towards a high performing culture


We work together to build a great company


AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023

About AngloGold Ashanti continued


1. Explore, acquire and develop

Our aim is to grow, acquire and maintain a pipeline of economically viable orebodies to develop into high-quality,long-term mining operations. Development and planning for the lifecycle of a potential mine starts now and includes the design of cost-efficient, safe and environmentally responsible operations.

Silicon, Nevada projects

3. Sales and financial management

The sale of gold and by-products generates

Obuasi, Ghana

2. Mine and process

We operate and maintain mining and processing infrastructure, and ensure a skilled, trained and motivated workforce, to enable the cost-efficient, safe and responsible production of gold.

revenue. Solid financial management of revenue, costs and disciplined capital allocation promotes positive, sustained cash flows and returns.

4. Rehabilitation and closure

The life cycle of a mine includes planning for environmental rehabilitation and responsible mine closure. Our aim is to mitigate environmental impacts throughout a mine's life cycle, which together with social closure transitioning will help sustain host communities once mining has ceased.

Geita, Tanzania


AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023

About AngloGold Ashanti continued

Purpose and values

Our new purpose statement

"Mining to empower people and advance societies"

Work to better understand and transform our organisational culture continued in 2023. In addition to the launch of our updated and refreshed corporate values, a new purpose statement was developed and launched in early 2024.

AngloGold Ashanti's purpose statement was generated organically, taking into account feedback from within the business, and workshopped by our executive committee and senior leadership.

The statement is yet another outcome of the culture and values survey conducted in 2021 which identified employees' need for a simple message that encapsulates and defines why AngloGold Ashanti exists.

Our new purpose statement - Mining to empower people and advance societies - is the product of extensive internal debate with input received from employees in all regions and areas

of operation. It captures our aspiration to positively impact our employees, colleagues, and communities as well as the economies in which we operate, helping them to develop and grow. This we can do by profitably and safely mining gold.

The statement provides a sense of unity and common purpose, and confirms that ESG considerations are intrinsic to our business.

Our new purpose statement describes why we choose to come to work every day and goes beyond dollars and ounces. Our purpose defines how we grow together, how we thrive and how we leave a lasting legacy.

Geita, Tanzania




For whom

Mining to empower people and advance societies

AngloGold Ashanti leads the way in safely and sustainably developing and mining orebodies




Being the preferred partner

Executing optimally within


and fostering an inspiring

a culture of continuous

a strong portfolio

work environment


of orebodies

For employees - a

For communities

For all stakeholders

trusted partner

Make a difference - enable

Offer exceptional value to:

Enable growth and

people to do what they

our people; their families;

otherwise would not have

communities; suppliers;

development; offer the

been able to

investors; governments

opportunity to make a

positive impact

Our values

Safety | Respect | Integrity | Sustainability | Excellence | Collaboration


AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023

About AngloGold Ashanti continued

Our footprint


















5. Guinea

Cerro Vanguardia

Siguiri (85%)


6. Ghana




Serra Grande


AGA Mineração

7. Democratic Republic



of the Congo (DRC)

La Colosa

Kibali (45%) (c)


8. Tanzania

4. United States of



Expanded Silicon (a)

North Bullfrog

Mother Lode

Sterling (b)



9. Australia

Sunrise Dam Tropicana (70%)


  1. The Expanded Silicon Project includes the Merlin deposit
  2. Sterling includes the Crown Block
  3. Kibali is operated by Barrick Gold Corporation ("Barrick")


Gold produced





People employed (1) (3) (4)

33,658 people

8,565 people

21,734 people

1,741 people

Net cash inflow from


$1m (5)



operating activities (2) (3)

Capital expenditure (3)





Total Mineral Reserve (3)





Total community





investment (3) (4)

  1. Average employed, includes contractors
  2. Includes joint ventures but excludes corporate and other costs
  3. Includes projects
  4. Includes corporate and non-gold producing subsidiaries
  5. The sum of net cash inflows from operations offset by net operational cash outflows associated with the projects

Note: All the numbers for Group and the Americas region include AGA Mineração's Córrego do Sítio (CdS) operation that was placed on care and maintenance in August 2023.


AngloGold Ashanti plc Modern Slavery Statement 2023

About AngloGold Ashanti continued

Our strategy

Supporting our strategy for sustainable cash flow improvements and returns

Prioritise people, safety, health and sustainabilities

This focus area is

the foundation of our business and strategy, ensuring alignment between our values and corporate citizenship responsibilities on

the one hand and the business's long-term growth, sustainability and profitability on the other.

Maintain financial

Optimise overhead,


costs and capital

By ensuring financial


flexibility, we will

Systems are in place to

facilitate access to

ensure investment and

funding to weather

spending are optimally

periods of low gold

structured and aligned

prices, to reward

with core business

shareholders and

objectives. In so doing,

to act on strategic

we aim to maximise


our margins throughout

throughout the

the gold-price cycle,

economic cycle.

withstanding and

even flourishing

during periods of

low gold prices and

continuing to invest

in the sustainability of

our business without

unnecessarily relying on

dilutive equity raising.

Maintain long-

Improve portfolio

term optionality


We aim to continually

We actively manage

replenish and increase

our asset portfolio to

our Mineral Resource

improve the overall

and Mineral Reserve

mix of our production

pipeline to sustain the

base as we strive for a

business over time.

competitive business

Key to achieving this

valuation. This is key

are our exploration

to unlocking the full

activities, project

underlying value of the

development and

portfolio. We continue

targeted acquisitions.

to invest in upgrading

By discovering,

the overall quality

acquiring, developing

and longevity of

and exploiting viable

our portfolio.

orebodies sustainably

and cost efficiently,

AngloGold Ashanti

positions itself to

create long-term value.


To successfully deliver on our strategy and purpose, it is essential that we:

  • Understand our operating context
  • Identify risks, opportunities and material sustainability issues
  • Strategise, allocate and manage scarce resources sustainably

In doing so, we will be better able to create and preserve value, and minimise its erosion.

Economic value distributed



% 16.25%



Provider of capital



Suppliers and services




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Anglogold Ashanti plc published this content on 06 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 06 June 2024 11:23:02 UTC.