Angkor Resources Corp. received the first 12 assays on rare earth elements of surface laterite samples from Gossan Hills prospect on the 100% owned Andong Meas license. The initial twelve assays were completed by Australian Laboratory Services for RREs across the Gossan Hills prospect, which is south and adjacent to the Canada Wall copper porphyry system.

The assays returned total ppm values of REEs ranging from 244 ppm ­ 1025 ppm total REE. Both the sum totals and the locations are illustrated at left and indicate that the elevated REEs are evident over an area exceeding a square kilometer; nine of the 12 assayed samples, taken as surface samples in laterite, exceed 500 ppm REEs. REEs and accompanying alkali and transition metals, are complex for a number of reasons, including the variance in value of each type of element, which ranges from $5.40 per kilogram for Strontium and $73,700 per kilogram for Cesium .

Strontium is often used in magnets and fireworks and Cesium is used in drilling fluids and in the clocking components of mobile phones and GPS systems. Commercial viability of REEs can only be determined after ample proof that both sufficient grade and tonnage are available, and the extraction method is economic. Angkor will proceed with a further grid sampling on 100 meters x 100 meters over a minimum expanded terrain of several square kilometers to see if the elevated REE levels are consistent throughout a greater area. The grid sampling will consist of laterite sampling of surface material and also auger sampling to a depth of at least 7 meters.

As well, a ground magnetic survey has been started and will likely take at least one month to complete. The survey is being done on 100m line spacing and will cover the CW copper porphyry target and the REE in regolith target to the south.