Large format fiber optic CCD with unique mounting design

Belfast, 17 October, 2013

Andor Technology plc (Andor), a world leader in scientific imaging and spectroscopy solutions, today announced the launch of the new iKon-L HF fibre optic camera. The outstanding design brings together the camera's key elements in a single optimized unit: the highest QE (95%) back-illuminated sensor, a single directly bonded FOP and a unique spring-loading "Soft Dock" mount. This design delivers the highest optical performance high transmission, spatial resolution performance along with the ultra-low noise of the outstanding iKon-L platform.

This is the camera of choice for indirect high energy applications, from soft to hard X-ray ideally suited for high spatial resolution imaging of low flux signal. Andor offers three variants to cover the most common requirements, all of which can be further modified or changed to suit evolving needs. The unique "Soft Dock" spring-loaded fibre optic feature allows quick and safe mounting of the camera to a wide variety of fragile instrumentation, streak cameras, image intensifiers, as well as allowing the easy placement of a full range of "off-the-shelf" scintillators. Fully integrated and supported in a range of third party software using Andor's SDK software product, including MATLab LABView and EPICs. It can also be operated with Andor's own standalone software interface SOLIS.

Colin Duncan, HED Application specialist at Andor, said; "Andor have yet again set a new standard in the High Energy Detection market with the release of the fibre optic iKon-L HF. The cutting edge product's performance is ideal for a wide range of X-ray applications and the highly flexible design with the unique "Soft Dock" feature allows easy optimisation for years to come, a truly flexible tool!"

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