Amex Exploration Inc. reported that it has identified multiple visible gold (VG) grains in hole PE2017-03 which is the 3rd drill hole done out of 14 planned holes. The section of the hole where VG grains was observed is from a depth of 311.9 meters to 316.56 meters representing an apparent width of 4.66 meters along the hole. In fact, more than 20 grains of VG were counted in a quartz vein that is 'divided' in two sections by the intrusion of a mafic dyke of about 3 meters thick, leaving two segments of quartz vein material totaling about 1.6 meters thick. The native gold is well spread within the quartz material and is associated with notable quantities of Pyrite and Sphalerite with some interstitial Pyrrhotite. This quartz vein is hosted within a highly sericitized and sheared rhyolite unit of about 5 to 10m thick that corresponds very well with a similar altered rhyolite unit intersected in previously drilled and reported hole PE-2013-04 where visible gold within some quartz veining was also noted and values of up to 12.93 g/t Au over 0.30 meters was intersected. This specific zone was the primary follow-up target of the current hole PE-2017-03 that was collared at about 75 meters to the East and 50 meters to the North of hole PE-2013-04. It is important to note that this emerging new gold zone is of orogenic type and is not directly related or of the same type as the "discovery hole" gold-rich VMS polymetallic mineralization intersected in hole PE-2013-03 which is located some 800 meters to the West. The discovery hole area will be drilled this month as Amex had to wait until the area was sufficiently frozen to facilitate the drill rig mobilization to the drill site. The present drilling campaign started on November 21st and was suspended for the holiday break on December 17, 2017 and will resume on January 7, 2017. Before the break, 5 drill holes were completed (holes PE-2017-01A to PE-2017-05) totalling 1,611 meters. From this drilling, a total of 823 samples for gold and metals, including 83 samples for QA/QC and 18 samples for litho-geochemistry (whole rock) analysis, were sent in three different batches to ALS lab in Val d'Or. The latest batch that included samples with VG from hole PE-2017-03 were sent to the lab on December 21, 2017. Finally, 10 additional holes on 10 different targets totalling about 3,135 meters are still planned to be drilled on the Perron property before the end of March 2018.