Amarin Corporation plc announced that Vascepa(R) (icosapent ethyl) capsules, a therapy for patients in the United States to treat severe (>=500 mg/dL) hypertriglyceridemia more commonly known as very high triglycerides, or VHTG, is now available by way of physician prescription, and will be supported with a national commercial launch on January 28, 2013.
Vascepa is a new prescription pure-EPA omega-3 therapy approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an adjunct to diet to reduce triglyceride (TG) levels in adult patients with severe (>=500 mg/dL) hypertriglyceridemia. Triglycerides, like cholesterol, are a type of fat in the bloodstream. It is estimated that approximately four million adults in the United States have VHTG levels. Vascepa is the first FDA-approved VHTG therapy to have demonstrated, in published controlled clinical trials, significant reduction in levels of triglycerides without elevation in levels of LDL-C and with a tolerability and safety profile similar to placebo. LDL-C is commonly referred to as "bad cholesterol" and is a primary cardiovascular risk factor. Vascepa also significantly improved many other important lipid parameters including apo B, non-HDL-C, TC and VLDL-C.