ATN 201301170021A
Resignation of Powertech Chief Operating Officer: Leon Viljoen

Allied Electronics Corporation Limited
(Registration number 1947/024583/06)
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Share Code : ATN ISIN : ZAE000029658
Share Code : ATNP ISIN : ZAE000029666
("Altron" or "the company")

Resignation of Powertech Chief Operating Officer: Leon Viljoen

In compliance with paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Limited's Listings Requirements, shareholders are
advised that after several years of service to the Altron group, Mr Leon Viljoen, chief operating
officer of Powertech, has resigned from the company to take up the position as cluster manager,
southern Africa and country manager, South Africa of ABB. Leon's resignation will be with effect
from 28 February 2013.

Powertech and ABB have enjoyed a close association with each other over many years and Leon's
move to ABB will no doubt strengthen this relationship, as well as provide further business
opportunities for both organisations.

Leon has been involved in various management capacities within the Powertech group and was
largely responsible for developing and growing the transformers division into the market leader in
South Africa, which it is today.

The board takes this opportunity of thanking Leon for his valuable contribution made in the past
towards the Altron group.

17 January 2013

Investec Bank

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