Altair announced the University of Nottingham has selected its PBS Works suite to expand the capabilities of its campus-wide high-performance computing (HPC) service based on Minerva, the university's latest generation HPC cluster. Working in partnership with ClusterVision, the company will provide PBS Professional, Compute Manager and PBS Analytics to transform the 45 Tflop cluster into a robust and easily usable HPC service for the cluster's hundreds of users. The company was chosen over competitors because of its portal offerings, strong feature set and highly customizable framework.

The company's proven technology leadership and flexible approach were also key factors in the selection. The company also will provide Compute Manager, a reliable and affordable Web-based job submission and management portal. Coupled with PBS Professional, Compute Manager will allow the university's HPC service users to more easily submit jobs to Minerva and manage remote files, increasing productivity and providing the ability to collaborate more easily.

As part of the solution, the company also will deliver PBS Analytics for utilization tracking and reporting. PBS Analytics is a graphical Web-based accounting, analytics and reporting solution that allows historical usage data to be queried with respect to jobs, applications, users, projects, groups and many other entities. The easy-to-use portal will provide university HPC service administrators with advanced usage analysis for the Minerva cluster to support data-driven planning and decision-making.