Alsons Consolidated Resources, Inc. elected Tomas I. Alcantara as Chairman/President, Tirso G. Santillan, Jr. as Executive Vice-President, Editha I. Alcantara as Treasurer, Luis R. Ymson, Jr. as Chief Financial Officer, Roberto V. San Jose as Corporate Secretary and Angel M. Esguerra, III as Asst. Corp. Secretary/Compliance officer at the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Directors held on May 27, 2016.

The Board also appointed Mr. Esperidion D. Develos, Jr. as Chief Audit Executive reporting directly to the Audit Committee and designated Atty. Angel M. Esguerra, III and Mr. Luis R. Ymson, Jr. as the company's Corporate Information Officers/Compliance Officer with respect to disclosure requirements of the Philippines Stock Exchange (PSE) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).