24 January 2013 ALPHA UK MULTI PROPERTY TRUST PLC (the "Company" or together with its subsidiaries the "Group") UPDATE ON LOAN FACILITIES CHIP (Two) Limited

The loan facility of £8.65 million provided by Nationwide Building Society in respect of the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, CHIP (Two) Limited was due to expire on 23 January 2013.
The Company announces today that CHIP (Two) Limited has agreed with Nationwide Building Society to amend the loan facility agreement such that the term of the facility is extended to 31 March 2013.
The facility is non-recourse to the Company.
Discussions with Nationwide Building Society and alternative banks and providers of capital are continuing in order to pursue a further extension to, or refinancing of, this loan facility.
There is currently no interest rate swap connected to this loan facility and there is no current intention to enter into a further swap agreement.

Contact: Jonathan Clague

Chairman, Alpha UK Multi Property Trust Plc

Tom Pissarro

Fund Manager, Alpha Real Capital LLP
+44 (0) 20 7268 0300

Registered office IOMA House Hope Street Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1AP
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