Announcement no. 1/2022


The Danish competition authorities’ approval procedure for Alm. Brand’s acquisition of Codan’s Danish business (“Codan”) is now entering Phase 2

The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority has informed Alm. Brand that its processing of Alm. Brand’s acquisition of Codan is entering the second, and final, phase.

Alm. Brand has previously been granted approval by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority to acquire Codan’s Danish business.

Alm. Brand maintains a good and constructive ongoing dialogue with the Competition and Consumer Authority and expects the acquisition to be completed in spring 2022.


Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:

Investors and equity analysts:                 

Senior Investor Relations Officer
Mikael Bo Larsen
Mobile no. +45 5143 8002

Head of Media Relations
Maria Lindeberg
Mobile no. +45 2499 8455


  • AS 01 2022 - Phase 2

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